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Help, I need advice! Who is the father?

Tagged as: Cheating, Pregnancy<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 July 2009) 4 Answers - (Newest, 27 July 2009)
A female United States age 41-50, *onfusion32 writes:

I have a problem I am 24 weeks pregnant and I don't know who the father is. I had sex with my husband on jan 22 and my ex husband on jan 28th. I think i ovulation date was on jan 26th. I know scientist say girl sperm swim slower and live longer and boy sperm swim faster and die sooner. I think if it was my husbands that the only sperm left after 3-4 days would be girl sperm and if it was my ex it would likely be a boy since we had sex after ovulation. It is a boy. Any advice. Is there any test you can do without going to the doctor? If I go to the doctor there would be a paper trail of me cheating.

View related questions: my ex, sperm

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (27 July 2009):

I wish men had the power to stick women with other women's babies and then lie to them about it.

This is 50/50 between them.

You can ignore this reality but it's not going away. If you stick the wrong man with the paternity then sooner or later it WILL come out. If you don't tell him, and the child's appearance doesn't tell him, then eventually just the medical testing involved in getting health care in the future will spill the beans. It's gonna happen, it's only a question of the circumstances of when.

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A female reader, straight to the truth United Kingdom +, writes (26 July 2009):

someone of your age should know better than to listen to old wives tales about sperm!!! the sperm does not tell the sex of the baby, only once the egg is fertilised doe it decide what chromasones it has!

firstly you should be ashamed of what you did to your husband by betraying him with your ex husband! how would you feel if he had an ex wife that not only did he have sex with but also never took precaustions and then told you she was pregnant with his baby!

You should tell your husband the truth because one day this will come back to you and the person which will suffer the most is your child!

And yes you can have a test while the baby is in the womb but it is not advisable for the babys health so if you are keeping the baby which i assume you are due to how far gone you are then you should wait till its born but even then you will have to tell both men because you will need a dna sample from both men.

In future learn the sanctity of marriage and you would never be in this trouble.

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A female reader, aphexinfinite United Kingdom +, writes (26 July 2009):

aphexinfinite agony auntyeah well sorry you should of kept your legs closed and not be so deictful! the only thing to do is have the child then if you have the child then get a DNA test. i dont think the midwifes could make a very close determination on when it was concieved so close to dates. your worrying and stressing youbecause you were naughty and dont want to take the punishment like you should! right and wrong is their for a reason and no one cares no more what a sad and sick world we live in ! i dont know why people bother having children considering most of their parents are nothing to look up to!

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (26 July 2009):

First of all, that's a ridiculous theory to try to decide who the father is. Secondly, your doctor can't disclose information without your consent, it's part of confidentiality. If the kid isn't your husband's, chances are he'll figure it out eventually. Good luck though.

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