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He seems too good to be true and I'm very scared of losing him. Is this normal?

Tagged as: Dating, Long distance<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 October 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 28 October 2010)
A female South Africa age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Wel i'm dating this charming and respctful guy and we ar in a long distance relationship we normaly see each after a period of time.. sometimes i usually have this feeling of doubting myself and this thing keep on coming, we even discussd it but still i cant find closure.. we realy love each other.. i am sometimes scared that i might loose him somehow.. is this normal or i'm just thinking too much?

View related questions: long distance, period

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (28 October 2010):

I also think you're over-thinking this as well. I was in a long distance relationship, and I was terrified that someone would take the girl of my dreams and that would be that... fortunately that didn't happen, and I doubt it will happen to you if things between you and your guy are strong. One thing I would strongly recommend, though, is that you work on ending the long-distance portion of the relationship. Long distance isn't so much as a relationship as it is pen-pals with occassional 'benefits'. You need to have a real relationship with this person eventually, and the sooner that happens the sooner your worries will go away.

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