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Foreplay is nice but sex is painful!

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Question - (24 February 2009) 5 Answers - (Newest, 24 February 2009)
A female Canada age 30-35, *xkandyx writes:

I have just started in a new relationship but i have a problem. I dont enjoy sex. I love foreplay but actual intercourse is painful even with lots of lube. I dont enjoy a second of it, it doesnt feel good, i count down the seconds until he is done.

This isnt just with the new guy, every other guy i dated i hated sex. But the new guy has kinda caught on to it. I like the feeling of having him cumm in me, and after he has he gets ready to go again to get me off but i tell him not to and he doesnt understand. He's sweet in that he wants to please me, but how can i explain that i dont want it?

Does anyone else have these problems?

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A female reader, jessica04 United States +, writes (24 February 2009):

jessica04 agony auntIf you have insurance, you need to find out who is covered on it. Usually there is a list of doctors the insurance co. can give you.

Or you can go by word of mouth. Ask your mom, sister, girl friends if they like their gyno a lot, and then get the doctors number to call. Ask if they are accepting new patients and tell them you need a pap-smear done since you have never been before (you should have one done yearly).

If you go to University, see what health services the campus offers. All of my doctors are at my university student health clinic, and the cost of my visits is reduced since I am a student.

Hope that helps :)

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A female reader, xxkandyx Canada +, writes (24 February 2009):

xxkandyx is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Hmm thank you, yeah i konw where my clit is lol I do enjoy masturbating and do get off. I could agree about the chocolate part but i enjoy pleasing him. I like knowing that i helped him get off... I will go to a gyn, seeing as i havent before i know before you all bite my head off about not going before... How do i set an appt up?

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A female reader, jessica04 United States +, writes (24 February 2009):

jessica04 agony auntI agree with Gina, you should set up an appt. with your gyno to see if she can find anything out for you. Does he feel too girthy, like he's stretching you? Or too long and he's hitting your cervex? Explain to him that it is hurting you for now until you can see your doctor.

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A female reader, xxkandyx Canada +, writes (24 February 2009):

xxkandyx is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Its not so much that it hurts but i dont enjoy it at all... I have no problem wanting to please him but i find no pleasure out of intercourse

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A female reader, Doctor-CC United Kingdom +, writes (24 February 2009):

Hey Girl, I Had The Same Experience Before. My Boyfriend Wanted To Have Sex One Night And I Thought Yeah Why Not. He Got An Erection, And He Put Some Lube On, Then He Went To Insert It In Me And It Hurt Like Fuck. I Just Grinned And Bared It. I Then Told Him That It Hurts And Thats Why I Dont Look Happy When He Says "Lets Have Sex" He Was Very Unserstanding. I Think You Should Just Explain To Your New Guy That It Hurts When You Have Sex, And You Will Be Suprised, If A Guy Cares About You, He Will Unserstand And Respect Your Wishes.

Hope This Helps Chick Xox.

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