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Ex and new boyfriend - are they plotting against me?

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Question - (26 May 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 26 May 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, *eyna writes:

Dear aunts and uncles:

I need your help, yet again. I broke up with my ex boyfriend(Tom) about one month ago, we had a bad breakup so we didnt talk about anything but our kid.

2 weeks after we broke up, a friend(Jeremy) that i havent talk to in a long time sent me a message,he said he missed me and that he had just heard about me breaking up with my ex. He said he also broke up with his ex so he understands what im going through and that he thinks my ex is stupid for treating me bad. I thought this was weird but at the same time it was good to hear this since i was feeling like i wasnt worth anything.

Jeremy and I started talking again and he asked me out to eat, and i accepted. It was a great night, he was complimenting me a lot and was very sweet and understanding, but at the same time he kept talking about my ex Tom and how much he hates him because he never treated me right.

Last friday Jeremy called me and told me that he saw Tom at the bar flirting and kissing some girls, and that he almost got into a fight with him but didnt because someone stopped him. I got mad at him because i dont need to hear this things about my ex, they hurt me, and because i can handle my own life. I didnt called him back after this.

But yesterday my best friend (Rossmery) called me and said i need to be careful with Tom and Jeremy. I asked her why and she said that her boyfriend (Lenny) was invited to Jeremy's house this past friday ( the same day that Jeremy said he saw my ex with a bunch of girls) because they had a bondfire and that he not only saw Jeremy with the girl who he said he had break up with, but also that Tom went there. He stayed for about 30 minutes and left with Jeremy and his girlfriend to the bar. I thought this was a lie because i know my ex hates Jeremy, he cant stand him, and Jeremy keeps saying how much he hates him back for all that he did to me, but i also know Lenny or my best friend would not lie because i have known them since forever.

I dont know what to think, could my ex and Jeremy be plotting against me or is this just coincidence? What do you think i should do?? I feel like everytime i feel someone has done everything to hurt me, they come up with something new to do it again. I dont know who i should trust, i feel like im truly alone on this one..

Thanks for reading this long post and any advice will be truly appreciated.

View related questions: best friend, broke up, flirt, his ex, kissing, my ex

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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 May 2009):

Well it all depends on who you trust the most.

I suppose its between you trusting this guy Jeremy, or Your best friend, and her boyfriend.

She's your best friend for a reason, isn't she? I don't really see a reason why she would lie to you, or that her bf would lie to her.

Yeah these dudes sound like they have a "bromance" going and they are using you as common ground.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (26 May 2009):

I don't think they are plotting against you, they're too busy scoring with other women. I think Jeremy has some alterior motives though- I'm betting he's made up a few things to look good in your eyes. I'd be very careful of him, sounds manipulative and a bit like a player. He sees you vulnerable and is working that angle like he can relate yet he's still hanging with his ex, whatever.

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A female reader, QuirkLady United States +, writes (26 May 2009):

QuirkLady agony auntIt seems like Jeremy is the one fudging the truth and trying to get on your good side. I would definitely guard myself around him.

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