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Do you answer questions honestly even if you think it maybe about YOU or YOUR situation?

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Question - (29 February 2012) 5 Answers - (Newest, 1 March 2012)
A female United Kingdom age 51-59, anonymous writes:

Me again...I have an over active mind! Lol!

Here goes...

Have you ever read a Dear Cupid question and thought either:-

A)OMG its about you and your situation?

Or ...

B)You know the person who asked it?

AND...if either...did it affect your answer?

(I'm imaging if you read something like my partner/husband is having an affair... and you see a question from whom you suspect is 'the other woman') Or

I'm jealous of my partners relationship with his ex, and you see a post like why is my ex's new partner horrible to me even though we are just friends? Or

I really fancy this woman who works at xyz...and you see another post like I work at xyz, and I think this man who often pops in fancies me, but I'm not into him, how do I politely put him off?

I am really interested in this, as if you receive a sarky comment/reply to a post I often think Hmmmm do they know me? Haha!

Lastly have you every pm someone about 'said' question and found out more than you bargained for/or the truth?. Or asked them to pm you to verify it?

(I really must look into doing a psychology course or something, because it soooo interests me!)

View related questions: affair, his ex, jealous, my ex

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A reader, anonymous, writes (1 March 2012):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Thanks Uncle PJ I will bear that in mind if I find myself needing an answer to something! x ;-)

C. Grant, did they confront you then and you had to admit it? Lol. Also most names are 'user names' on here so I guess they couldn't prove it anyway? Yeah the anon option is a good idea too! x

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A male reader, C. Grant Canada +, writes (1 March 2012):

C. Grant agony auntI did ask a question once about a situation and the person concerned found it (damn Google anyway). However, the "anon" option is there for a reason. If I'm at all concerned, I don't hesitate to use it.

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A male reader, Uncle PJ  +, writes (1 March 2012):

Uncle PJ agony auntYou're very much welcome. If you have any other queries I'll be more than happy to try and help you. Luckily you don't have any problems which is a good thing. But if you do ever have any, don't hesitate to come to me or anyone else on here. I'll be more than happy to try and help you out.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (1 March 2012):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Thanks Uncle PJ.

I'm actually happily relationship free, so have no worries on that score! :)

It was more of a 'curiousity' question. I guess I'm just a thinker!

Oh and yeah a long time ago I have read things that were similar to my situation just to see the answers, it's kinda of nice when you DO have relationship worries to see what people suggest, but in this case, I was just curious as to others who are reading both sides of questions (as in example affairs or something)!

Thanks again x

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A male reader, Uncle PJ  +, writes (1 March 2012):

Uncle PJ agony auntI can assure you it will be very much guessing if you believed you know the person. As this is a confidential site, there is no way of knowing for sure you can know who the person is or who they are even talking about.

There can be times where you read a question and think I may be in that situation. If this is so then it could help you because if you're too nervous to ask the question yourself, you already have some answers for you to read.

It does slightly seem that there is a slight paranoia with this. To believe that what someone has put on here is about you or someone you know, shows that you are either worried about something relating to it or you are slightly paranoid within your relationships.

The best thing to do is to keep an open mind when reading any question. If it does feel that it relates to you then take the question and answers with a pinch of salt. Circumstances alter cases so it probably won't fit your case completely because it probably won't be about you. Hope this helps.

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