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Do you always bleed after the morning-after pill?

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Question - (25 June 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 25 June 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

If you take the emergancy contraceptive pill do you always bleed? - because i havent.

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A female reader, sarcy24 United Kingdom +, writes (25 June 2008):

sarcy24 agony auntHi there,

It made me bleed both times when I took it. I am not sure about the actual medical reasons behind it but on two separate occasions years apart both times it made me bleed. It could make a difference depending on your stage in your monthly cycle. You could always look up the brand name of the drug on the net and look at the contra-indications and see if bleeding is mentioned then you would know for sure if it was a likely outcome.

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A female reader, Wisha United Kingdom +, writes (25 June 2008):

Wisha agony auntHi chick. I have had the emergency contraception and i didnt bleed after i had taken it. All it does is either stop an egg being released, delay ovulation or it might also stop a fertilised egg settling in your womb. It might make your periods come a bit late or a bit earlier but it should't make you bleed after you have taken it. Hope this helps. x

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