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Do people believe in Soul Mates?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Love stories<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 December 2008) 11 Answers - (Newest, 28 December 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, *ooty24 writes:


I was wondering how many people believe in soul mates?

I really think I've found mine...

Here's why:

- We seem to say exactly the same things at the same time and it could be something really random compared to what we were just talking about.

The other week we both said the same words when it was a phrase that I never have used before.

- We went to this beautiful place and looked over the sea in the sunshine and held each other and didn't need to say anything because we knew what each other was thinking.

- We have exactly the same sense of humour and laugh at the same kind of things.

- When we've had sex, it's been great because we know what each other likes and we're both very into our sex.

- My bf says when he first saw me he knew somewhere inside of him, he had to be with me.

- I used to be really really insecure. I was cheated on several times in past relationships, but with him, I feel totally secure and know he'd never cheat on me.

- All this and we've only been going out for a few months!

I think we are soul mates, but I just wanted your opinions on whether you believe in soul mates or not.


View related questions: insecure, soul mates, soulmate

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A male reader, mrhappydude69 Australia +, writes (28 December 2008):

mrhappydude69 agony auntsounds like a wonderful relationship that a guy like me would love to experience with the person of my dreems.

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A female reader, sooty24 United Kingdom +, writes (7 December 2008):

sooty24 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

sooty24 agony auntWow! What a terrific answers I've received! Thank you all so much.

AskEve, you're advice has really helped me :)

I've read it and had a think and it seems that me and my bf fit very much into your description of soulmates. Especially when you talk about how we can just lie there and not say a single word. We can just look at each other and know what each other feels and not feel like we're in an awkward silence.

I'm always myself around him and never feel worried about anything that I say that could make him change his feelings. We know we'd never hurt each other.

On our first date, I was nervous.. but then when I saw him, I wasn't nervous at all. It's strange because we just looked at each other, smiled, and kissed. We barely said hello. What I find weird about this is that usually, first kisses, well in my case anyway, are always nerve wracking experiences! My first instinct was to kiss him and we shared the perfect kiss. Even after that, we weren't uncomfortable!

The chemisty between us feels like I'm constantly buzzing and I can't stop smiling when I'm with him.

Thank you so much for your help everyone, it's made me feel very lucky to have found my soulmate :)


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A female reader, AskEve United Kingdom +, writes (7 December 2008):

AskEve agony auntI cannot tell you here and now who your soul mate might be but what I can do is show you what characteristics they will have so that you will be able to recognise them and look for them yourself.

Your soul mate is a person with whom from the outset, you have a special connection. He or she is someone to whom you are profoundly drawn. On first meeting your soul mate you will find that you instantly click, that there is a rapport. You feel that no one else in the room matters. They are someone with whom you have chemistry and you spark off one another, you are so intrigued by them that you find yourself listening more than you want to talk.

Your soul mate will be someone with whom you immediately feel comfortable. When you first meet, your heart may skip a beat at the mere mention of their name, your stomach may churn when you bump into them but they should also, in time, be someone with whom you feel at one. With this person you should feel safe and secure. They are not a person who would undermine you. They are not someone in whose company you feel threatened or small and they will love, respect and care for you.

Your soul mate is not someone who would ever want you to change. They think the world of you as you are. They are someone with whom you can share your innermost thoughts and worries, a person with whom you should be able to share anything, they are your friend and your confidante and your relationship with them should be honest. You should not be afraid of telling them anything because they love you as you are! They will never judge you and whatever you do their opinion of you will not change.

You are always "yourself" when you are together. You never try to be anything more or someone different because you don't need to. You don't have to impress them to win them over and you never have to play games to make them like you. You may come from different backgrounds, different countries, be twenty years apart, none of that has any bearing on whether you are perfectly matched. You see more in each other than the naked eye could ever see. You see into each other's souls which is why you have this deep, strong link.

There is an unspoken language between you and the spiritual connection between you both is so deep that you seem to be able to communicate without even speaking to each other. You are happy to lie in silence together. You feel sometimes that there is no need to talk because you feel that you know what they are thinking anyway. You feel so close to them that sometimes you think you could almost read their mind. You know when they are worried, in pain, or sad just by looking at them. It is as though there exists some kind of telepathy between you. You will often think the same things at the same times. You are able to finish each others sentences on occasions.

When you meet this special person you WILL know. It will be instinctive and it will be different from any feeling that you have ever had for anyone in the past.


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A reader, anonymous, writes (7 December 2008):


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A reader, anonymous, writes (7 December 2008):

Meeting a soul mate, I mean a real soul mate is a very rare and unique experience. Difficult to describe but you will know when it happened. Not everybody is fortunate enough to experience the total bliss of this, but yes, I do believe in soul mates. Saying this, it does not mean that people only get married to soul mates, or that it is the only relationships that can work, far from it, but soul mates do exist.

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A female reader, sooty24 United Kingdom +, writes (7 December 2008):

sooty24 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

sooty24 agony auntThank you all for your views and comments :)


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A reader, anonymous, writes (7 December 2008):

I don't know what a soul mate is.I have read about a soul mate.Seems like lightning strikes and thunder booms when you meet them.If so I have never met my soul mate.At least that's what they claim in the novels I have read.

I married my husband and our love was not a lightning strike.Considering the arguments we have over the stupid toilet lid,we are definitely not soul mates either.Ha Ha.

I grew up reading romantic novels.I always believed my soul mate was out there.I do feel bad that I never got to meet him.

How ever I have come to realize that more than people falling in love with another person,they are more in love with the idea of falling in love.

Love is so strongly over rated in media,books and movies that we all strive to death to meet that one perfect person,our soul mate.

In our quest for our soul mates we forget to notice or appreciate the one person who is always there for us -come hell or high water,the one person who appreciates us with all our flaws,the one person who stood by us when the going got rough.

At times people leave their partners for another person as they fall out of love with their current ones.The excuses given are,"He/She is my soul mate".You are definitely going to feel attracted to another one once the drizzle dazzle of this relationship fades off.So the cycle continues...

More than a soul mate I would settle for a guy who I trust with all my heart.Me and my husband may have our share of differences.But I have never trusted any other guy the way I trust him.

That's a good way to begin.I wish you all the best and may your happiness last forever.

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A female reader, Loz_7 United Kingdom +, writes (7 December 2008):

Loz_7 agony auntI totally believe in soul mates as i too have found mine! and I tell you its the best feeling when you find someone that you can be yourself around!!

And to be honest sooty24 you have just described my relationship too :D so yes I do indeed believe! And glad you have found yours! Good Luck!

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A female reader, MuffinGirl Netherlands +, writes (7 December 2008):

MuffinGirl agony auntOh, how lovely relatioship you have! I'm almost jealous :) I do beleive in soul mates and i think that everyone should start looking for them, because everyone need to know a person, who is very much alike them.

I have found 2 guys and 1 girl, whose i'm almost sure they're my soul mates. I feel undeniable great and wonderful, when somebody of them is around me or talk to me. It's not even necessarily that your potential soul mate should be your partner or lover, all what is matter is talk, honesty and friendship.

In my opinion, you're very lucky that you got a chance to be with your soul mate and I'm sure your relationship could be something very special and wonderful!In fact, I think that your relationship is the best possible kind of relationship!

I honesty wish you all the best with your partner.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (7 December 2008):

no i don,t believe in soul mates well thats me any way

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A female reader, petina1 United Kingdom +, writes (7 December 2008):

petina1 agony auntI believe in mind over matter and if you have an open mind together then thoughts can be passed to and from each other. It sounds nice this new relationship. I think soul mates can be called that when people have been together a long long time and been through a lot of lifes experiences good and bad and still have immense respect for each other at the end of it. Maybe your soul mate is there, only time can tell. Just look after each other and respect each other and thats a start. good luck. Hope this helps.

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