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Do I need to be concerned about this sort of behaviour?

Tagged as: Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 July 2011) 2 Answers - (Newest, 20 July 2011)
A female Australia age , anonymous writes:

Do men who like to slap women during sex have an anger issue,my boyfriend is a loving caring man but sometimes he likes to slap my backside which i don't mind during sex as i find it a turn on,but a couple of times he has just up and slapped me across the face during sex and it has been hard enough to leave marks on my face from his hand.i'm not sure if this is something i should be worried about or not and should i be concerned that he might get carried away with this sort of stuff or has he an anger issue.

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (20 July 2011):

I would be concerned about the slapping across the face. However, he could just be into that and he could be pushing the boundaries because you've allowed him to slap your backside.

The measure here is whether he will stop slapping your face during sex if you ask him. I don't think you like that, and I think you should tell him to stop it. If he does, then it was probably a heat of the moment thing because he enjoys a bit of domination. If not, then he has a problem.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (20 July 2011):

You should be worried because he is already getting 'carried away' with this sort of thing. Lots of people enjoy a little pain mixed with pleasure. And i emphasize the word, little. It can be sexy as long as it is consensual and enjoyed by both parties. But hitting you full on in the face without prior consent is assault. There is a boundary between titillating, playful slapping and what he has started doing. So you have to redefine that boundary quick smart before someone (you) gets hurt. General loving and giving, doesn't cut it if he is going to start slapping you around for his sexual gratification. That's not love making it is sexual assault.

IF he had been totally, innocently carried away when he did this to you. It would only have happened ONCE, you would have received an apology afterwards and concern on his part that he hadn't hurt you. But you are saying it has happened a couple of times now. So it certainly looks as if he has a problem. For your own safety, until you have ascertained what his problem is. I would recommend you tell him there is not to be anymore slapping or hitting during sex. Be vocal and leave him in no doubt that you do not like being hit in the face and it will not be tolerated. If you don't speak up now, things will only get worse. Look after yourself x

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