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Do I have reason to be concerned in my relationship?

Tagged as: Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (22 July 2010) 2 Answers - (Newest, 22 July 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Okay so me and my boyfriend have been dating for almost two years and I have trust issues. He's never giving me a reason not to trust him but for some reason I don't. Well earlier this week he added a girl he works with to his address book in his phone. Why? Because one of his friends that he works with asked him to text her and tell her boyfriend that he could go golfing with him. And the reason that my boyfriend put here number in his phone is just incase he needs to text her again he doesn't have to ask his other friend for her number again.

This other girl that he works with has texted him before and earlier today on facebook she wrote him that "he'd missed a fun day at work" he wrote her back "why" and she said "we got a truck in and we got some really cool toys in..not really.. i lied". So I don't know if I'm looking too much into it or if I should be worried. I'm not worried about the girl that's number is in his phone because she has a boyfriend. But the second girl was in a serious relationship for over two years (I think) broke up with the guy on a Tuesday then the following weekend spent the whole weekend in a different state with a guy she'd meet on the internet. Then dated another guy a few weeks later for about two weeks and broke up with him because he wanted to have sex with her. The this past weekend she went to an amusement park with FIVE other guys (she was the only girl that went with them). Please help me!! :)

And another thing that bothers me is that since our two year anniversary is coming up I figured he would want to have sex with me. He doesn't. He wants to wait until we get married. I understand but it really bothers me that he doesn't want to. Should I be worried about that??

View related questions: anniversary, at work, broke up, facebook, has a boyfriend, she has a boyfriend, text, the internet

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A reader, anonymous, writes (22 July 2010):

Relax my dear. this facebook is nothing - just some girl posting stuff to her coworker. I'm sure your boyfriend wants to have sex with you, but his morals and/or faith are simply too strong. This could be a good thing.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (22 July 2010):

Firstly, before I tell you my opinion, I am currently in a strained relationship with my boyfriend... trying to work through my trust issues after he had an emotional (non sexual) affair last year.

I hope I can help bring you comfort when I say you have NOTHING to worry about. I panic over EVERY girl my boyfriend talks to now.. and I know I'm being rediculous and paranoid, as you are.

If your boyfriend's told you about these girls and talked openly about them.. most likely there will be nothing happening at all! My boyfriend's affair was kept very secret and I didn't even know he was speaking on the phone to or even TEXTING this girl.. it was all kept from me because there WAS something to hide.

You honestly have NOTHING to worry about at all. The interactions he's had with these two girls are just passing comments.. there's nothing behind it.. it's all above board.

Please don't panic yourself like this until you have real reason to. It's understandable that I have trouble dealing with ANY situation where my boyfriend talks to another girl now, but COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS you don't have that problem or anything close to it. Relax, feel comfortable in your relationship and be happy. If your boyfriend truely loves you, he'll continue to be honest and open with you and he won't look elsewhere :) Good luck!

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