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Can't stop thinking about Sex toys stockist.

Tagged as: Gay relationships, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (9 July 2011) 4 Answers - (Newest, 10 July 2011)
A female United Kingdom age 41-50, anonymous writes:

hi i have a girlfriend but when we went to this studio place to look at what they sale thats miles away in a different city, the woman who runs it and the website is also gay and i really cant stop thinking about her. we been 2visit twice as didnt buy anything the first time and we did the second time. its far away but we went to look, its sex toys they sale and u ring up for an appointment. we said we drop by if in the area again and she was really nice as show us around and talked for ages. gave us discounts as well. she has my number and i have hers from making the appointment to visit the studio. thing is i cant stop thinking about her and want to stay in touch. i sent a text once we got back to say thanks for the discount and we will drop by again one day and she said it was really nice to meet me and my partner. i cant really text again it would be strange, but i cant get her out my head. any advice?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 July 2011):

in reply 2jay. why do u think she would be more into my g.friend then me. she probably dont fancy any of us and just likes us as a customer.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 July 2011):

and honestly; i feel sorry for your girlfriend. how would you feel if this was the other way around? I'm sure she would be very hurt if she found out about these 'thoughts' you're having about this stranger none the less..

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 July 2011):

she was just doing her job! it is her job to be polite and courteous and she gave you a discount because she wants your business! nothing more! grow up!

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A female reader, Jay_xxxxx United Kingdom +, writes (10 July 2011):

Jay_xxxxx agony auntThat is a really difficult one as you say she is gay, and to be honest she'd probably be more into your girlfriend than you.

You could go again and befriend her, and meet up a few times and see if that will stop the feelings as you have only met her as customer, and she'd be nice to you because she would want you to buy something. So you may have to learn her real personality.

Ask yourself why is it this girl in your mind and not your girlfriend? That may guilt trick yourself to stop thinking about this girl.

If you don't find away to get her out of your head then it could ruin your relationship with your girlfriend as you could start being distant without you really knowing.

I hope you sort it out

Jay x x x

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