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Cant keep hard when entering me

Tagged as: Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 March 2009) 2 Answers - (Newest, 22 March 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I have a bf we are dating for more thn a year now, and we started having some sexual problems. He cant stay hard for me or get hard, only if Im blowing him he gets very hard, and when hes entering he cant keep it up, and also just wants to do it from the back all the time. We had some problems lately like we had couple fights here and there. Now he says Im not tight enough and wants to pretty much screw all the time! I dont know what to do!

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A female reader, Pandaholic123 United States +, writes (22 March 2009):

Pandaholic123 agony auntI agree with "OtherStarfish". He may be a kronic masterbator behind you. Watching porn is deffinatly an option, that stuff can screw up anyone who watches TOO MUCH. Also saying tht you are not tight enough isn't a problem it is easy to catch up on tightning the love spot. Just make him give it a rest for a while- If he is truely caring about passionate sex with you my dear. The longer you wait the longer he will be able to 'keep it up' with you.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (22 March 2009):

tell him to stop watching porn. suspect he is masturbating all the time. tell him to wait 2 weeks and not come, then you will give him the ride of his life.

the two weeks gives you time to do kegel ecercises or similar that will make it better.

incidently - i don't think you have a problem - think he is really lazy in bed.


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