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Can I get a sneak preview of what sex would be like with her?

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Question - (20 April 2009) 4 Answers - (Newest, 20 April 2009)
A male age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I have a good relationship with this woman. We started off as acquaintances and have become friends. I want our relationship to develop into something more. I want sex. She has not said that she does not but we have not done it yet. While I wait for her and sex in our relationship I would like a sneak preview. I am interested in the sounds she make during sex. I wonder if she like to talk, talk dirty, moans, and screams. Is there a way I can get a sneak preview? Can I ask her about the sounds she makes during sex? How can I ask this?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (20 April 2009):

I'll give you points for your honesty. "I want sex." I feel like that is your inner caveman talking there. why don't you just fantasize about her and imagine how she might sound. I don't think it's a good idea to ask her for a sneak preview. that might be coming on too strong.

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A female reader, bootyboot United States +, writes (20 April 2009):

sneak preview? this ain't the movie theater man. this is real life, and i think she might be confused or creeped out by your request for a "sneak preview." i think you'll just have to wait for the feature film if you get my drift.

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A male reader, wette460 United States +, writes (20 April 2009):

Simple man. If you guys have talked about having sex and she said she isn't ready, then don't pressure her. Next time when you guys are on the phone and the conversation starts turning, suggest having phone sex instead of the real thing.

This way, you aren't pressuring her with intercourse and she doesn't have to worry about being embarassed when she takes her clothes off in front of you because you won't physically be there! You are killing two birds with one stone here.

Make sure you talk dirty and tell her what you would like to do to her and have her do the same to you. That way you get to hear what she sounds like AND you will know what she wants done to her when you guys actually do have sex later down the road. Hope everything works out for you man.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (20 April 2009):

It's called imagination for a reason. To ask anyting else will only tell her you are more interested in sex than getting closer to her as a person. If sex is all you want, then by all means ask for the preview. If she is someone you could care about, up the respect level and get to know her favorites.

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