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Boyfriend of only 2 weeks wants sex and I think its too early!

Tagged as: Dating, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (2 April 2010) 2 Answers - (Newest, 2 April 2010)
A female United States age 36-40, anonymous writes:

HELP my boyfriend of only 2 weeks is saying that i'm driving him nuts cause he wants to have sex with me and i said no. He says he will not force me but me playing hard to get is really driving him crazy he said he wants me really bad. I'm a little scared cause when he kisses me he gets a little out of breath and i feel maybe we should not do that cause it looks like he is trying to restrain himself. He has to get up and walk away from me. I don't understand this I can kiss a guy and cuddle without sex is this so much harder for them? It's not like I don't want it too cause I do but after a proper amount of time has past. Plus he said he loved me I think he thinks that if he says that i'll have sex with him he also says its love not sex ! I do sort of feel sorry for him one of my friends says just do it so he will relax. But I don't feel ready for that step yet. But what if he breaks up with me over this? I'm confused should I just get it over with so he relaxes or should I wait cause I feel that would be best? How early is too early for sex in a relationship? Any advice would help thanks everyone.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 April 2010):

If you dont want to have sex witth him because if your not ready tell him im not ready. 18 is the best age for having sex. But if he is obbsested with it you break up with him or purswade him to stop talking about it. I mean if he cant even kiss you he has issues. Think about what would happen if you tried to have sex! Hope this helped, if it did can you be my friend? Huffygirl88

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (2 April 2010):

Far too early since you're feeling this way. Some couples can have sex quickly and it doesn't wreck their relationship at all. However, you're not ready, so he has to wait. This is actually a good test, because if he stays with you, then he doesn't just want sex. If he leaves, then all he ever wanted was sex anyway. You wait until you are ready and happy. Don't be pressurized.

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