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Boyfriend has no interest in playing video games together?

Tagged as: Long distance, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 June 2011) 3 Answers - (Newest, 8 June 2011)
A female Brazil age 30-35, anonymous writes:

My boyfriend lives a few hours away, so our communication is entirely online.

He loves playing video games, and they take up a large part of his time. I've never thought much about it until the last six months or so, when I realized it was a big part of his life that I didn't know anything about.

So I asked to play some with him, and the 3 or 4 times we played together, we had a fun time. The thing is, he's never asked me to do it again, even though he knows I've come to really enjoy some of them.

A guy friend of mine is always up for playing games together, so I don't get why my BF isn't, and it hurts my feelings. I've told him several times about finding a game we can both enjoy, and he says he'll look into it but nothing ever comes of it, unless I push for it again.

He enjoys telling me all about the games he's playing currently, plots, characters, etc...yet no word on playing together. Just that I should try them myself.

Is he afraid to beat me or something silly or does he does just not like playing with me?

I really don't understand this, since he plays multiplayer with friends all the time.

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A male reader, lakers_lover09 United States +, writes (8 June 2011):

Omg you area a girl who, plays video games?

That is so perfect.

Not all guys like having their girl in on their interests though. I love sports and when I date a girl, I love taking her to the courts for a cute game of one on one basketball, but when I play with the fellas I would rather her not come.

Maybe video games are just HIS thing. It's nothing against you i'm sure. It's a guy thing. Like when I guy gets married and has a man-cave in his basement. Sure he loves his wife, but that's HIS mancave lol let him have his video games. As long as he still has time for you

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A male reader, Azza United Kingdom +, writes (7 June 2011):

Since you want to play with him i'm assuming that the games are multiplayer. Every guy who likes video games would wish their girlfriend would have an interest in them, but I think his problem is that you are not good enough to play with him. If he plays a lot of hours, he likely plays with the same people and you might say they are of a high standard, so inviting you a long is not really an option for him. He is likely competitive that anything thing with you would just bring him down.

He likely does enjoy playing with you, but he is struggling to find the time to put aside from how he likes to play. He is basically addicted and should give you more attention.

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A male reader, LazyGuy Netherlands +, writes (7 June 2011):

LazyGuy agony auntThere might be a very simple reason.

He doesn't want to play with you. Why? Because he does not want to play with YOU.

That could be a major clue as to how he feels about you or not.

Does he MAKE time to spend with you on other activities? Not chatting when he has nothing to do, actually make free time to be with you (sex does not count)? I got a hunch he doesn't.

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