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Am I missing something?

Tagged as: Dating, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 March 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 22 March 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Ok theres a guy i sit next to, we;re all friends in the class but me him n this girl sit at the back. Afew weeks ago we only had one lesson so half of us didnt bother turning up, Him along with the other half did.

The thing is a mate of ours was talking to him on msn that night and said how was college and he said boring and then for some reason our mate said did u miss anyone and this guy said yea and my name. :S

I found that hard to believe as we dont talk alot even though we sit together i dunno why but hes not very talkative with me unless he has something to say. And if we speak on msn i start and make the conversations.

yet he missed me?? Is there something going on here?

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A female reader, Entirely Unique United Kingdom +, writes (22 March 2010):

Entirely Unique agony auntMaybe the fact he likes you is why he struggles to really talk with you and give you the attention you believe someone that can miss you should.

People show or react differently when they like someone, some overly flirt and show it very clearly and some seem to shy away from that person because they find it hard to talk to them.

He could well be in that second catagory,

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