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Age difference...

Tagged as: Age differences, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 June 2010) 6 Answers - (Newest, 26 June 2010)
A female United States age 26-29, anonymous writes:

problem!!! hes 18 and im 15 but im turning 16 right after he turns 19 ... and i was wondering whether it was a bad age difference you know... is it really? like im too mature (from what everyone tells me ) and so is he. no sex involved cause im not having sex till marriage.. please helpp meeee pleaseeeeee

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (26 June 2010):

Generally older guys like younger girls...its pretty universal. But at this age as a guy, I`d be wary of him pressuring you into anything that makes you uncomfortable in ANY WAY. Make sure he treats you with love and respect. If he`s a great guy, 3 years is nothing. IF he`s not so sweet, well, move forward. Just don`t compromise your standards for ANYONE, especially a guy. ESPECIALLY at age 16. Your life has NOT EVEN started yet.Make sure he`s with you for all the right reasons thats all ....and BE YOURSELF :)


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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 June 2010):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

hey its me again! thanks everyone for your help really thanks:D

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 June 2010):

Hi there!

Perhaps it is needless to say, but if you guys start going out, no matter if you are having sexual relations or not, it is illegal. If your parents are against this, they can press charges on him. Check your state's laws on this.

With that said, lets move on to the situation. Both are teenagers. To me, its not so much of an age issue, its more on the difference of experiences. The issue I see here is that if he's going into college or the military, if he's not already, is that there's a "buffet" of new people wherever he'll go. Trust me. He's just beginning his young adult life while you are still in high school. It can work, but you both have to be committed to meeting both of your needs, whether its communication, space etc. The new settings that will be presented to him are far more different than a year ago or a couple of months ago. But however, good luck, gurlie, and listen to your gut!!!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 June 2010):

I don't think you or him being mature will be a problem as he will have to be an immature boy to eat to go out with a 15 year old girl but when you are 16 and he is 19 I don't see a problem in that, believe me you will change alot mentally these next 5 years, I'm only part way through and it's really amazing

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A female reader, masterpo United States +, writes (21 June 2010):

you 2 dont have that big of an age difference. only 3 years. its very normal for couples to have that small gap. besides, its really hard to find the person that's right for you. if you really love him, i say GO AHEAD.

let me tell you something if you're still not sure. i'm related to a couple where the girl is 36 and the guy is 42 but they're still head over heel for each other.

hope this helped. good luck.

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A female reader, keikoBell United Kingdom +, writes (21 June 2010):

keikoBell agony auntFirstly, I really respect your idea of saving yourself until marriage, & I belive you should always stick with that. & the age difference shouldn't get in the way too much (If he was any older then I wouldn't recomend it.) But you sound like a mature girl & I know it sounds very chliche but do what your heart tells you. You don't want to risk loosing somting good just because a few others didnt belive it was right.. The age gap isn't that big & If you have strong feelings for each other then I can't see why this is morally wrong,

Good Luck

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