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he doesn't trust me, if he cheats on me, how do I move on?

Tagged as: Cheating, Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (29 November 2009) 2 Answers - (Newest, 29 November 2009)
A female Peru age 30-35, anonymous writes:

If he cheated on me, how do I move on?

Ok, this is my first relationship ever, and we have been together for 3 years, 3 months, exactly. And well, he has issues with my past because he knows a couple of guys I made out with (I was a virgin until I had sex with him). He also knows a couple of guys I had crushes on, like 4 years ago.

I did make a mistake and lied about some stuff. He was mad, but he put up with it. However, he started asking about details, some very specific, which I didn't even remember about. So whenever something new came up, he accused me of purporsely lying to him. I didn't those were just details that I hardly remembered, like "Which song was playing when you made out with X at the bar that time?". And I would be like "I don't remember..." and he woul go "Oh, come on, just tell me already!" and I would go "Wait, I think it was [NAME OF SONG]". Then he'd got mental telling me how I was a liar and of course each time that song was on the radio it was a cause for an argument.

Now, he always asked me if I knew his brother from back then (since his brother was friends of some of the gusy I had crushes on). I told him I knew who he was, but that we never even talked in person, we were never friends or anything.

But today, he was online and found a very old comment (from like 4 years ago) that I left on his brother's blog. It was just one comment, so insignificant, that I didn't even remember writing it. It said something like "Hey, cool post and songs". And he accused me of lying to him again.

He went out, and turned his mobile off. Now I'm afraid he cheated on me. He always told me I was a whore, and that he would cheat on me when he had the chance. Now that he went out, he probably did.

I would be totally devastated, since other than lying once, I've done NOTHING wrong. Plus, I lied about stuff that happened before I met him! What rights does he have over my past? I think I have been a very good girlfriend, in general. So I think it would be very unfair if he cheated on me. It kills me to think that now he's having the time of his life, while I'm home suffering. I did nothing to deserve this, I didn't hide that information on purpose, hell I didn't even remember ever writing that post! How am I supposed to remember every little detail of my past?

Anyway, I'm pretty much sure he cheated, how do I move on? I feel undesirable, ugly and well brokenhearted mostly!

View related questions: cheated on me, crush, liar, move on

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A reader, anonymous, writes (29 November 2009):

I'm going to tell you something you probably don't want to hear but someone has got to say it.

Your boyfriend is a controlling, manipulative douche. I'm sorry, but that's the conclusion I've come to after hearing all that.

A relationship is built on love and trust. If he can't trust you, then that's a HUGE burn on your behalf.

You deserve to be with someone who doesn't make you feel bad and insecure all the time.

I have only been in one relationship too. We were together for over five and a half years and just broke up about 5 months ago.

I'm so much happier now, and you will be too.

Either talk to him calmy about this, or pack up your stuff to a better life:)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (29 November 2009):

first find out if he really did cheat on u

like ask him

and if he says tat he didnt

i assume u should noe wen he is lying rite?

if he is but u r not really sure

just say "tell me the truth please..why did u turn off you fone? after always telling me tat u would cheat on me u go and turn off ur fone like tat?

if u r willin to leave him its gonna b hard to forget if u really loved him..

i recommend finding evidence first b4 anything

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