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Is it normal for us to enjoy filming eachother having sex with other people?

Q.   I have always talked about my girlfriend have sex with other guys as a turn on. i met a girl 6 months ago and brought up this during sex. she started describing scenarios of what she would do with another guy. one day she asked if i would like her...

A.   6 July 2007: hi, i have had some good answered but i was wondering if there are any couples out there who feel the same?? Thanks... (read in full...)

I have to choose one of two friends, but I love both of them!

Q.   im love with two guys and both are friends they know each other very well.the problem is i dont know which one to choose...

A.   5 July 2007: do they both know that you fancy each other? your question was very brief but i will do my best to try and answer it. i just answered a question very similar to this, who do you think you have a future with? once you have made your choice ... (read in full...)

I would rather date his best mate, but dont want to seem a slut

Q.   Hi there, I met a guy a couple of months ago in a club (call him Mr A) and we have met up most wkds since, we have kissed loads but have not yet slept together altho we did sleep in the same bed once - but nothing more than kissing and cudd...

A.   5 July 2007:  after reading your question i personally dont think you sound like a slut. you have to do what makes you happy. you also have to think about it carefully. how much to you care about mr A? Mr B may be trying to get with you because you are with... (read in full...)

I dont trust my boyfriend because he talks to other girls

Q.   Me and my boyfriend recently got back together after a break up that happened about a week ago, we've been dating almost 2 years. Over that past week he told me he needed to find himself, so I gave him the time and space to do so, and we got back ...

A.   5 July 2007: my girlfriend is quite paranoid when i speak to other girls. but you have to understand that you cant stop your boyfriend speaking to other girls. if he stated speaking to other girls while you were on a break it is obviously something that h... (read in full...)

Will my boyfriend be able to tell that I am a virgin?

Q.   My Boyfriend Thinks I Have had Sex But Im A Virgin Will He Know?...

A.   5 July 2007: The short answer is: It is unlikely The longer answer is: you may bleed when you are sex for the first time but this doesnt happen to everyone. i think the best thing to do is to discuss this with your boyfriend. i am sure it will not put him ... (read in full...)

Is it normal to look at other girls even though I love my amazing girlfriend?

Q.   My girlfriend is amazing. She's smart, funny and I have a great time with her. She treats me like a king, gives me space and I can totally be myself with her. We've been dating for almost 2 years and living together for a year. The problem is...

A.   5 July 2007: The short answer is: YES, this is normal. The Long answer is: as long as you dont act upon your feelings then you are perfectly safe. just dont tell your girlfriend you are having these feelings. she might interpret this as you want to be with som... (read in full...)

My ex boyfriend still checks me out online

Q.   Dear Cupid.. It has been almost a Year since my bf and I split up. He decided to have time alone as he was still graduating and remained without employment. Even though i supported him emotioanlly he decided to leave as he had no real time for a ...

A.   5 July 2007: i feel that your ex still likes you and wants to keep in contact. just because you dont love someone in that way anymore doesnt mean that he has stopped caring about you. im sure you are a very nice person and he doesnt want to forget about you. ... (read in full...)

I want to watch my girlfriend have sex with my male friend

Q.   Should I let my best mate sleep with my girlfriend while I watch? Hello everybody, My name is Jonathan. My girlfriend and I have been 8 years together and we're both 28 years old. For the past year or so I've been having this vivid fant...

A.   30 June 2007: I say try it. Have you ever thought about doing it with a stranger. Thats what me and my girlfriend are going to do. We are trying to meet someone one on the internet and get to know them first them meet up with them in August in a hotel an... (read in full...)

My bf wants a threesome but I'm scared! What should I do?

Q.   Ok people so this is a common problrm but its somethin i cant seem to get my head around. my bf wants me to have a threesum. well he wants to watch me havin sex with another guy. now the thought of the fantasy does turn me on its just the thought...

A.   28 June 2007: hi, me and my girlfriend are starting to experiment with sleeping with other people, but it hasnt been a great success. we arrange for me to sleep with my ex girlfriend but i didnt happen. then last week my girlfriend was going to have sex with... (read in full...)

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