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I need help in this situation!!

Q.   Since I've gone back to school, I've met this girl that my other friends used to hang out with in the past year, and i have maked up situations that i can talk to her, but i dont want to get her to know that I like her, cause if this doesn't work, I ...

A.   1 October 2010: Okay first off all you have to do is ask one of her friends that you know well to ask her whether she likes you, she'll probably say yes (girls are desperate to)... (read in full...)

How do you know if they felt the same way?

Q.   Hey, I'd love opinions from guys and girls about this: when you kiss someone, and it makes your stomach do flips, makes you feel on top of the world, how do you tell if it's having the same effect on them? When I kiss my new bf, that is exactly how ...

A.   1 October 2010: Well I can usually tell for a girl if they smile alot and do that thing where they brush there hair behind there ear, thats just my take. As for boys, just ask alot of the times we're willing to answer almost anything were just to embarrassed to ask ... (read in full...)

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