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Ireland  (Female   XML/RSS

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I'm in love with a 16 year old girl.

Q.   hey. This may seem odd to a lot of people out there, but I think I'm in love with a 16 year-old girl. I'm friends with her mother who delivers baked goods to my shop. Sometimes "Diana", the mother, will send "Jocelyn", her daughter, to my shop to ...

A.   24 May 2009: There's only one thing you can do is wait until she's a legal age and then kiss her. But if you can't wait and there's nothing holding you back, kiss her. It's not liek your in your 40s. You only live once...... (read in full...)

I find older men really this normal?

Q.   I'm 15 and I'm almost quite worried about myself. In the past few years Ive noticed I always get the hots for elder men. I dont mean old pensiors! But like men in their 30s and 40s, and I don't like anyone near my age at all. I just find older men ...

A.   11 January 2009: yeah...well i can't tell you what's abnormal cuz i can only tell you from my own experiences...but...i guess at 15...well, no i doubt there's anything too weird going on there provided you don't act on it.... (read in full...)

Does he see me as a woman or just his student?

Q.   God!I'm so confused the way a teacher act to me.. I don't know if he see me as a woman or he see me as his student?I want help is he flirting me or not? I'm gone tell you some things to help me if he does or not?:When we are at the corridor he alwa...

A.   11 January 2009: if your even asking this's just a school girl know when someone loves you.... (read in full...)

Am I unable to have intimacy?

Q.   Hello. I have been doing some serious thinking about relationships and my habits towards them in general and also the opposite sex. I suppose I have to give those of you reading this a little background on myself: Well, I am an only ch...

A.   11 January 2009: wow-you sound freakishly similar to me. i'm an only child...and i think it has a lot to do with it...i'm bad with intimacy...and i've been told...and the 38 plus thing rings a bell with me too...i think it's because the only male figures we've had ... (read in full...)

Depressed & lonely! Need help!

Q.   I'm 17 year old and live in NYC.. Since I can remember I've never had friends for long.. Since age 14 I dont have any friends male or female... I DONT GO ANYWHERE.I only care for a boyfriend as my companionship.BTW:I am only ATTRACTED TO OLDER MEN ...

A.   11 January 2009: do something you college that is...the rest will fall into place. and remember you only really need one good friend. ... (read in full...)

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