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If he doesn't initiate contact as often does it mean he isn't as invested in me?

Q.   I experienced my 1st real BU a year ago. I loved the guy and I put my all in the relationship, he ended up taking me for granted. I am starting to date another guy and I keep having doubts, just afraid that he isn't into me as much as I am into him. ...

A.   22 October 2016: I have been single for most of my life and I'm at the age where I would like to settle down in the next couple of years. I am willing to put in the effort for LDR because I have dated someone locally and I still felt very distant from him, I really ... (read in full...)

How does this plan look to you?

Q.   So I have posted about a guy I met online. I managed to find cheap plane tickets to visit him, so I am going there in a little bit. We have been messaging for over a month and skyping/texting for over 2 weeks. I really like him and I just want to ...

A.   20 September 2016: To add, we have both talked about relationship stuff in respect to both of us. I know if he wasn't super interested, he would just stop contacting me completely.... (read in full...)

How does this plan look to you?

Q.   So I have posted about a guy I met online. I managed to find cheap plane tickets to visit him, so I am going there in a little bit. We have been messaging for over a month and skyping/texting for over 2 weeks. I really like him and I just want to ...

A.   20 September 2016: Just to clarify, I am not going to sleep w/him and we will be in a public place the entire time. I am getting to out meeting spot via bus. I never let a man drive me to anywhere if I haven't met him before.... (read in full...)

How does this plan look to you?

Q.   So I have posted about a guy I met online. I managed to find cheap plane tickets to visit him, so I am going there in a little bit. We have been messaging for over a month and skyping/texting for over 2 weeks. I really like him and I just want to ...

A.   19 September 2016: He didn't exactly invite me, but when we 1st started chatting he told me he had free passes to a amusement park. He also mentioned coming out to my city (one day). Although he seems passive, we have talked about relationship stuff and he even ... (read in full...)

Is Texting to guage interest a reliable strategy to determine how interested a guy is?

Q.   From my experience, I know that texting all the time in the beginning doesn't necessarily lead to long lasting, loving relationship. I have always been able to figure out a guys interest through their texting habits and has saved me time figuring...

A.   1 September 2016: We have been skype calling, I initiate it, but he is willing to spend hours on skype w/me.... (read in full...)

Not really dating, should I wait for him?

Q.   I was dating a guy seriously for 2 months, we spent the 1st month together and he had leave so we decided to do long distance. I felt a 360 change is his character and I started stressing over because he was the one who wanted this and he used to be ...

A.   20 July 2016: Thanks for the responses, everyone who posted is very much correct, its just hard (at the moment) to wrap my head around this situation. The thing that bothered me the most was the short romance (not gonna even call this a relationship) was intense ... (read in full...)

Not really dating, should I wait for him?

Q.   I was dating a guy seriously for 2 months, we spent the 1st month together and he had leave so we decided to do long distance. I felt a 360 change is his character and I started stressing over because he was the one who wanted this and he used to be ...

A.   19 July 2016: This may sound very cheesy, but I felt a connection. I def don't fall for every guy I meet, he just seemed right for me, one day after stress at work, I went out w/him, by the time I was done I had no stress, this would have taken days or a week to ... (read in full...)

Why does he act all uncaring?

Q.   So we have been going for about 2 months and 1/2 of the relationship we spent it together, then he moved. I fell for him because he seemed to genuinely care about me and was concerned about how I was doing. Lately though he makes the conversations ...

A.   17 July 2016: I am definitely going to tell him he isn't the same guy that I fell for and in the past when someone changes their behavior enough for someone to start questioning, it is a very bad sign. If this the kind of person he is, I don't want that and it ... (read in full...)

Why does he act all uncaring?

Q.   So we have been going for about 2 months and 1/2 of the relationship we spent it together, then he moved. I fell for him because he seemed to genuinely care about me and was concerned about how I was doing. Lately though he makes the conversations ...

A.   17 July 2016: I'm just wondering what changed because I feel like he is not the same guy I fell for. This guy was always concerned about me getting home safe and even texting me after a stressful day, hoping I had a better day. I am going to tell him he is not ... (read in full...)

I feel he doesn't put enough into this relationship

Q.   Please don't judge, I have never had a LDR. That being said I have had a crappy relationship and I know how I want to be treated. I made the decision just recently to be exclusive w/a guy I had known for a month, who had to move out of state. I ...

A.   11 July 2016: I can say though, when we 1st started seeing each other, he knew he was leaving. He was here for a program and I live in pretty expensive city, so I know that living here is not super affordable for someone who is just starting out. After a month ... (read in full...)

I feel he doesn't put enough into this relationship

Q.   Please don't judge, I have never had a LDR. That being said I have had a crappy relationship and I know how I want to be treated. I made the decision just recently to be exclusive w/a guy I had known for a month, who had to move out of state. I ...

A.   11 July 2016: We have met and spent about a month together before he left. He was serious about being w/me, even though he is far away and we have discussed on seeing each other in the future. I don't 24/7 texting because over skype we seem super connected. ... (read in full...)

I became bored with him and we broke up. What should I do about the fact that I now miss my ex?

Q.   I am not perfect by any means, but when I care someone I give that my all. I fell for my ex, believing he was my type of guy. He turned out not to be. I have goals/ambitions/interests and he had none of those. The guy I'm w/doesn't need t...

A.   3 January 2016: Thanks and you are right, I miss the person he said he was. When I 1st started dating him he told me everything I wanted to hear, but I found out after a couple months and a lot of denial that he was a completely different person. By that time I ... (read in full...)

Will I ever love a man again as much as I loved my first Bf?

Q.   I just broke up w/my 1st "real" boyfriend for whom I wanted to give the world to, I eventually found out he didn't care for me that much (he told me how much he loved, but I could feel in my gut he wasn't that in love), so knowing this would tear me ...

A.   29 October 2015: I never pressured him to marry me, he talked more about marriage then me! He talked about saving money to marry me all the time, but made no effort.... (read in full...)

Will I ever love a man again as much as I loved my first Bf?

Q.   I just broke up w/my 1st "real" boyfriend for whom I wanted to give the world to, I eventually found out he didn't care for me that much (he told me how much he loved, but I could feel in my gut he wasn't that in love), so knowing this would tear me ...

A.   29 October 2015: More details: This was the turning point in the relationship, when I knew for sure I would never have his respect or the level of care that I wanted. I had doubts for a few months, I don't take drastic action on doubts. I tried to address my ... (read in full...)

Why these feeble attempts to contact me?

Q.   I left my ex due to feeling taken for granted and when I brought that up I was blamed for trying to mess up the relationship. At that point I understood that he was not afraid to lose me. With all feelings for him still in my heart I broke up w/him. ...

A.   28 October 2015: Please don't assume I have a pattern of breaking up/coming back as this is the 1st and only time I will break up w/him. I loved him so much and he only poured out his heart to me 2 days after I broke up w/him, when in that week he had a couple ... (read in full...)

Why these feeble attempts to contact me?

Q.   I left my ex due to feeling taken for granted and when I brought that up I was blamed for trying to mess up the relationship. At that point I understood that he was not afraid to lose me. With all feelings for him still in my heart I broke up w/him. ...

A.   28 October 2015: Actually this is the 1st and only break up w/him, I am done and never plan on going back.... (read in full...)

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