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In love with my boyfriend and my best friend

Q.   Hey guys...I don't really know what to do...yet sometimes it seems so obvious... I've had this boyfriend for almost 3 years (we'll call him Rob for this)...he himself broke up with me after a year and 5 months..then we got back together...i could de...

A.   2 July 2013: Hi guys, So it's been 4 years since I wrote this post, I remembered it today thinking about all the things you said. Rob and I dated a few more times, finally I had enough, ditched him for Chris to his horror... I have been with Ch... (read in full...)

How do I make my boobs smaller?

Q.   okay so im 13 years old and my boobs are ridiculously huge(about 44DD!) And i really hate it. no 13 year old should have boobs that big. I can't wear any cute clothes because my boobs are too big to fit in them. and boys are always staring at me and ...

A.   23 February 2009: Hey lolligirl, I have had a few friends that are very well developed and i for one developed very early also. I found every small tshirt looked too clingy and i started to hide my self wearing baggy clothes...not only does this not flatter ... (read in full...)

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