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Man over 20 with a teen?

Q.   I am a 24 year old male and I was wondering is it illegal for me casually date a girl who's 17? Or just simply be good friends with her?...

A.   20 December 2011: im in the exact same boat. my boyfriend is 24 and im 17. we have almost been together for a year and we are waiting to have sex until i turn 18. we also reguarly talk about kids and marriage.... (read in full...)

How do you feel about nick-names in a loving relationship? Do you have a favorite nick-name?

Q.   Does your loved one give you nick names? Or a nick name? And which one do you love the most? I think nick-names can be a barometer of a relationship. If the nick-names stopped happening then I would know there was a problem, even if nothing had been ...

A.   19 December 2011: my boyfriends name is Brian and im not inventive at all so i call him Bri he calls me baby bear because im younger than him:3 my dad calls me noodles... i dont know why... (read in full...)

Is drunken fumbling meaningful?

Q.   Does he like me or was it because we were both drunk?  Guy in my class invited me to his birthday drink up with a couple of his mates.I was the only girl.  Didn't mind, we're good friends( forgot to mention i kinda fancy him!) So we got drunk at ...

A.   19 December 2011: Since all of the others who answered are older i will give you a 17 year old perspective. The "fondling" or whatever didn't mean anything... he may enjoy your company and think your chill but thats probably the extent of it. I went through something ... (read in full...)

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