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*aileyLove agony aunt


Canada  (Female   XML/RSS

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*aileyLove's profile:

I'm just a normal teenage girl. I am an artist, photographer, gamer, and I have an undying passion for rock music.

I never pictured myself joining one of these websites because I always figured that I could handle things myself. But, as a normal teenager, I've been under alot of stress and realized that I can't always handle things alone.

I'd also appreciate people who'll answer my questions.

But I'd also like to give some help in return. My friends have always come to me when faced with a problem, and I can happily help you too.

< Prev12 [2 pages, 47 answers]

Why won't he tell me about his female friend?

Q.   This guy has confused me. We started off as friends. We get along really well together. He is the most caring man I ever met. Gradually, I felt I could see a possibility of a future with him. We are together almost like 24x7, except that we don't ...

A.   7 May 2010: REPLY to anonymous: Well, if you've seen my questions, I have the same problem with one guy. We hang out alot and at the dead of night we end up making out... But we're not dating (although I would LOVE to!) But, regardless, I think some guys just... (read in full...)

I push him away yet he keeps coming back for more.

Q.   hi. so there's this boy that i think likes me. i am of course one of the more 'agressive' girls at my school and wont take anything from anyone! so whenever he messes with my friends or me i will go up and punch him. :) and he doesnt really care, ...

A.   30 April 2010: Haha, sounds like you've caught his eye. I think he's crushing on you. And I think that he is being so nasty just to get your attention. If you don't like it, just ignore him. Even if he makes fun of your friends. They can stand up for them... (read in full...)

How can I get rid of this alcohol-addicted boy before he hurts me?

Q.   Mod note: Op's own title I know one guy that i liked for a complete year. I attempted to talk to him by writing a note (i was younger and i realize that it was wrong.) he hated me because of some unfortunate blemishes, like short hair, braces, and ...

A.   30 April 2010: Three words, "Back off, drunkard!" If I were you, I'd stay far far far away from him. My friend dated this guy who used to drink and do drugs, and she and him got into an argument and he hit her! I think you should try to avoid him at all costs. '... (read in full...)

Why won't he tell me about his female friend?

Q.   This guy has confused me. We started off as friends. We get along really well together. He is the most caring man I ever met. Gradually, I felt I could see a possibility of a future with him. We are together almost like 24x7, except that we don't ...

A.   30 April 2010: Umm. Let's see. Here's what I think: He likes you alot. ALOT! But, he probably doesn't like girls who get jealous easily. I know I don't like guys like that. My ex always used to question who the guys were that I hung out with. If I said that I hung... (read in full...)

He promised me forever, ...but here I am single after only 4 months.

Q.   I recently broke up with my boyfriend, we were only together for 4 months but he pormised we'd always be together, and he was moving away..and promised me long distance would work. However after a week we broke up :( He's over it completely and ...

A.   30 April 2010: Well, you can never promise to love someone forever. My ex and I were together for 9 months, and we were so much in love. He promised to love me forever and soon he started saying stuff like, "We'll have kids, We'll get married, I'll buy us a house, ... (read in full...)

LDR advice, I love him so much but he makes me feel guilty just for asking him to talk to me. Help?

Q.   Ok so I started dating my boyfriend 6 months ago and we fell MADLY in love, either of us had ever felt such intense feelings before and we were incredibly happy. Then a month and a half later I gave my virginity to him, then a week later he ...

A.   29 April 2010: You've GOT to take charge! If he really loves you then he wouldn't be treating you this way. If I was in that situation I'd make sure that he knew that I was having a good time without him. It might not be the best advice, but it helped me. I ha... (read in full...)

Friends with benefits, how do I find out if he wants more?

Q.   Ok two years ago after I broke up with my BF I met a guy who I talked to for a little bit but decided to make it a sex only relationship because I didn't want more. It worked out well. We had sex for like 4 months then I got back with my BF. A year ...

A.   29 April 2010: Well, if I was in this situation I would casually ask him, "Hey... Have you ever thought that what we have could ever be more?" if he questions why you ask just shrug and say, "Just wondering." If he agrees that he has thought of more of a rela... (read in full...)

The spark is gone in our relationship, is this letter appropriate to send?

Q.   Dear all, Okay, where to start, been in relationship for 2 years, at first was the best, everything great and now she says spark has gone etc but whats to be with me, I still have that spark for her but really confused...anyway, I have written h...

A.   29 April 2010: Woah... I can honestly say that reading that letter has made my eyes water. It's a beautiful letter, and if you think that sending it is the best thing to do. Then by all means, send it. Most likely she'll get the same reaction as me. You, sir, hav... (read in full...)

Bad experiences with guys, I'm starting to think there's something seriously wrong with me!

Q.   ok so i know to a lot of people this would sound like a ridiculous question and i would deny it was true if it was happening to someone else but it's not and i'm having a really hard time convincing myself that there's nothing wrong with me. So to ...

A.   28 April 2010: Hmm... That is a bit of bad luck, I agree. But I don't think you're the cause. I believe in fate. I think that everything happens for a reason. For example, obviously, these 2 guys weren't right for you. They had alot of problems. Don't think so m... (read in full...)

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