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My cousin is all I've ever wanted...

Q.   im in love with my cousin!! i have a boyfriend but my cousin is all ive ever wanted...i didnt like him til new years when he picked me up and squeezed me and kissed my neck and cheeks deeply and i did the same to him, no one noticed anything cause ...

A.   3 January 2010: Was he drunk? He may have only kisses you out of friendliness and joy. You are the only one who knows how passionate those kisses were. However, besides him being your cousin, it also sounds like he is older. Are you truly in love with him or ... (read in full...)

I'm in love with twin brothers

Q. listen please, i am 15, and i am practically crazy over these twins. They are my age and i have known them since pre-kindergarten, or since i was four. so one of them is absolutely crazy over me and we are always looking for chances ...

A.   31 December 2009: Could the one twin who wont admit he likes you be jealous of his brother? He may just see how far he can get with you. IF you aren't crazy about the one twin you really do everything with, stop! Both of you will end up getting hurt. Plus, I ... (read in full...)

Strictly attracted to older teacher!

Q.   Hi everyone. I am 14 and a freshmen in high school. Ever since the first day of school, I have had feelings for one of my teachers. I can't say it's love, but it might be. I don't think crushes are supposed to last this long. It is definitely ...

A.   31 December 2009: What makes you like him the most? Is it that he's attractive? Is it that he listens and makes you happy? How is your relationship with your dad? Just think, in reality this guy is not only old enough to be your dad, but possibly old enough to be ... (read in full...)

My husband went to sex therpist promised to be with me,and lied!

Q.   WellI caught my husband masterbating after he promised he would come to me after we went to a sex therpist, he is addicted for sure, please only decent replys, any proverbed replies will be reported. sure everyone masterbates, but a husband doesn't ...

A.   31 December 2009: How long has this been going on? How long have you had these feelings? Has he always had this addiction? Has the addiction become worse? How long have you been married. I have a liberal view of porn and I find some can be beautiful and I have ... (read in full...)

My partner has banned me from having a dog.

Q.   I am utterly desperate for a dog. I am a huge dog lover and have been raised with loads of animals. I have been with my partner for 4 years and he has refused to let me ever get a dog. How on earth can i make him see this is unreasonable and is ...

A.   31 December 2009: My parents were in a similar situation, however by no means exactly like yours. My mom really wanted a pug and begged my dad. He actually said he'd divorce her if she got one. But, she kept at it and he eventually realized how much it meant to ... (read in full...)

I want to encurage my g/f to lose weight!

Q.   Hello, I've been with my girlfriend for 8 years. We both grew heavier than we used to be. This year I was able to lose the weight I'd gained by changing my diet. I would like my girlfriend to lose weight and get back into the shape she used...

A.   31 December 2009: I can't tell you how to act or what to say to your girl friend however, I can relate a little. I'm in my mid twenties and weight a good 50-60 lbs heavier than I did when I was 18. I really want to loose weight, however, I'm pretty unmotivated and ... (read in full...)

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