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*r T

Ireland  (Male   XML/RSS

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123Next > [3 pages, 73 answers]

Do people go through life feeling awkward, without maturing?

Q.   I watched a documentary about the human body on BBC iPlayer and it made me realise how empty my life really is. p /> It was about how the human brain developed. He (the presenter) was reflective on his teenage life and how he fell in love e.t....

A.   22 May 2011: You say the 'only thing that' would make you happy? Try to give that one a little more thought. Yeah your teens and 20's are tough. But it does get better, you learn to let things go a lot more. You're on medication so you do want to cha... (read in full...)

Older men equals fetish?

Q.   Is it a fetish to be attracted to older men? I only seem to like men 45+ ...

A.   22 May 2011: Nah... you could get into some serious Freud here. you dont say if you are acting on these attractions? I know quite a few women who are turned on by older men, nothing really out of the ordinary there.... (read in full...)

She won't give oral sex because its dirty

Q.   I'm dating this girl, who has told me she'll do anything for me. However, she won't give me head because it is dirty.. meanwhile I give lots. How can I go about getting head and is it normal to feel bad for her reason? And I'm very clean, medically ...

A.   22 May 2011: Talk about it. A blanket 'its dirty' is rather vague. Maybe a parent told her that as a kid, perhaps she had a bad experience. Talk about it: if she still isnt into it then there you go. However there might be a trial period! Just agree and ... (read in full...)

I forgave her, but I think she is at it again. What should I do now?

Q.   i feel like my GF is cheating on me because she is not talking to me from last week till today..she is not replying me for my any messages on facebook..but she is chatting with others..but suddenly when i said hi today, she said "hi i love you, and ...

A.   9 May 2011: Find someone who appreciates and respects you mate. Life is too short to endure the crap she is throwing at you... (read in full...)

Guys, do you like tall girls?

Q.   Question for the guys, Do guys prefer a woman to be tall? Not taller than them, but not too short? Why do some guys dislike dating short women? Is is to do with the sex? lol ...

A.   9 May 2011: My last GF was almost 6 feet tall. (Im 5'10") Didnt bother me much, except perhaps when she wore 3" heels on a night out! But I have dated a girl who was barely 5 feet tall. Both were very sexy so it doesnt make a difference really, except m... (read in full...)

Need help with flirting!

Q.   I need some help with flirting and peaking interest in women. I've heard stuff all over the place from keeping your mouth shut and asking questions, to compliments, to put downs, to making them laugh 'til their eyes water and breaking the tou...

A.   27 March 2011: Its not easy sometimes. However, getting her to talk about herself and her interests will usually put people at ease. I have tried this and the feedback I got was along the lines of 'hes a nice guy' even though I barely said a word all evening. ... (read in full...)

Anniversary ideas?

Q.   Hey people, me and my girlfriend will have been going out a whole year at the end of this month. I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas of stuff I could get or do for our anniversary :) So far I have the idea of an amazing scrapbook, payin...

A.   11 July 2010: I like the scrapbook idea man. It shows a lot of thought, effort and will mean a lot to her. Scrapbook and a dinner somewhere nice. When I was your age I didnt have a lot of money - I had a part time job at weekends that paid crap so I did thin... (read in full...)

Mid-Life crisis?

Q.   I'm basically a mummy's boy. Never had a functional relationship; find sex confusing; lots of emotional relationships with women; just broke someone's heart, knowingly, and probably put her on track for a relapse in her recovery from abuse; have ...

A.   5 May 2010: See a counsellor.. this is a good start but an online blog/forum is not really the answer. On the plus side you seem to be very honest with yourself and this will definitely help you... (read in full...)

A question for men on attraction...

Q.   This is a question for men. Have you ever found yourself attracted to women that you may not have been attracted to when you first met. Or is the determination set from the moment you meet....

A.   20 January 2010: Both.. I cant feel a very powerful attraction at first glance. On the other hand as I have gotten to know women I have aften found myself becoming more attracted to them for their personality or seeing an aspect of them I didnt see at first.... (read in full...)

How can I make my husband crazy?

Q.   Iam a 22yrs old gal young married, love being advertous, funloving, loved to be recognised. My husband is a little rigid i want you to help me with tips that i can use to make him let lose of himself i mean make him crazy ...

A.   8 January 2010: Crazy how? Maybe try to introduce activities that are out of his comfort zone but bear in mind that his was the man you met and fell in love with you need to accept him for who he is. Perhaps you can 'loosen' him up a bit but making him 'crazy' ... (read in full...)

Romantic gift ideas?

Q.   Hi All My partner is a little down lately, and id really like to surprise her with something to cheer her up.. something romantic. The problem is, money is VERY tight right now, and ive done most of the things i can think of (massages, flow...

A.   3 November 2009: Agree with KC_100 - set up a hotel/restaurant scene for her when she comes home. Dimmed lights, soft music, nice hot bath waiting, candles (every woman I have even been with shares 99.999945 % moth DNA) & perhaps a glass of vino for her while she ... (read in full...)

Are my legs weak?

Q.   I am 21. I have been a strong masturbator in the past 3,4 years. I did it almost everyday but for the past 1 year, I gained control over myself and minimized this habbit a lot. Now I don't masturbate more than twice a month. But when I ejaculate, I ...

A.   30 September 2009: Nothing to worry about.. and dont worry about masturbating either.. its perfectly natural. Next time you are masturbating mentally scan your body for areas where you are tense.. you maybe tensing the muscles in your legs while you are doing it. ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend has premature ejaculation problems, and a small penis. Should I break up with him?

Q.   Girls: does your boyfriend have premature ejaculation? Mine (who is 25) only last seconds in bed, in fact sometimes he's cum before I've taken his shorts down (I can feel the wet through his pants) or even as I'm putting it in - its depressing and ...

A.   1 September 2009: Not a girl but hey, I'll give it a go: First thing is he needs to learn how to relax, there are techniques he can practise to delay ejaculation, like everything else: google it. Its not your fault. You dont say if you guys get along well ... (read in full...)

I'm scared that if say the wrong thing, he'll beat me again! Please help

Q.   dear cupid i've been seeing a guy for almost 3 months now , and on saturday, he beat me.. i dnt how to forget the images of when he beat , i love him and dont want to leave him, i love him too much, how do i go about getting things back to n...

A.   24 August 2009: Get the hell away from him as soon as possible. You say you love him but what about his feelings for you? Love is about trust, respect and admiration... beating you shows none of these. You have been assaulted, if you want to help this guy then ... (read in full...)

Didn't like what I saw on my husband's facebook. Am I overreacting?

Q.   Dear Aunts, I recently stalked my husbands facebook account (no I don't think its wrong!) and I found that the adage 'look hard enough and you will find what you're looking for' is annoyingly true. I found out that he was ading random (and ve...

A.   19 August 2009: No it is not OK to login to your husbands/partners PRIVATE online account/phone/letters or anything else. I hear this so often: "I was reading his email when I saw...." There is a trust issue between you that needs to be resolved in an o... (read in full...)

I am changing, and my boyfriend isn't....

Q.   My boyfriend and I have lived together for almost 2 years. I love him very much. I can't imagine my life without him. But, we are experiencing a lot of strife due to the fact that I feel like I am growing as a person much more rapidly than he. Maybe ...

A.   19 August 2009: I agree with Busy04.. your growth is entirely up to you as is his to him. In this light then "Why can't he be the one to lift me up?" isnt going to work. You want to change but perhaps he is comfortable where he is right now. When he is ready to ... (read in full...)

What are some activities we could do in bed for the weekend?

Q.   I have been seeing a great guy. he asked me to a bed and breakfast for a few nights to get away. Is he inviting me to staying in bed all weekend? what are some activities we could do in bed for weekend? ...

A.   14 August 2009: I have a fairly good idea what he has in mind! Are you talking about sexual activities or what?... (read in full...)

Does a man know when his mate has had sex with another?

Q.   Does my man feel it when I've just had sex with someone else,maybe a day or two ago?...

A.   14 August 2009: Perhaps he will, perhaps you should tell him. Perhaps you should be wondering why you are cheating on him rather than wondering if he will find out?... (read in full...)

Girlfriend doesn't like me looking at my cell phone

Q.   My girlfriend gets aggresive if i look in my mobile phone. If we argue she accuses me of hiding things from her. I have told her to look through it if thats what she thinks. She never does but continues to accuse again and again. I now discover that ...

A.   20 July 2009: As with the other posters she is projecting her guilt onto you. "If I can do it, then so can he" She is also trying to blame you for her feelings of low self esteem by saying that you never made her feel good about herself. It is the responsi... (read in full...)

I'm so confused and I feel so used!

Q.   im not sure how this whole sex thing goes im only 13. but any way heres the story and tell me what to do...okay so i have a guy friend hwo lives walking distance away. i text him sometimes and well go hang out at the sovial hall. so one t...

A.   20 July 2009: Obviously I dont know the guy but it seems to me that he isnt really what you would call a good friend. If you list the top 5 or 10 things you look for in someone you would like to call a good friend or the traits you would demonstrate to be called ... (read in full...)

Does this make me a coward?

Q.   hey everyone, this is about a problem i have that happens at random times of the week usually. somedays I get depressed like in a instant for no reason and I hate when people put me down cuz i act as if it doesnt affect me at all but deep down it ...

A.   8 July 2009: Dont worry about the 3 cans of pop mate! You sound a bit frustrated, its natural. Allow yourself to experience the feelings. If you feel sad then allow it, dont instantly think you shouldnt feel that way. This is your life and at that moment i... (read in full...)

I'm so confused and I feel so used!

Q.   im not sure how this whole sex thing goes im only 13. but any way heres the story and tell me what to do...okay so i have a guy friend hwo lives walking distance away. i text him sometimes and well go hang out at the sovial hall. so one t...

A.   8 July 2009: Good for you! You stood up for what you felt is the right thing to do. You should be proud of yourself. You have demonstrated a trait that many people a lot older than you have difficulty developing. Please don't feel used, you did the rig... (read in full...)

Do men gossip about their girls?

Q.   Do men talk to their friends about women they like or are interested in? I was seeing this guy for a little bit a few months ago and we just kind of started talking again. After going out, he took me to his place since he had just moved and wanted ...

A.   8 July 2009: Depends on the guy - I have found that more immature guys feel the need to brag to their friends. Others may tell just a very close friend, to be honest I fall into that category. More, if they are still with the girl and like her, will not talk at ... (read in full...)

Am I wasting time with this girl?

Q.   i need help i want to know if im wasting my time with this girl. alright here it goes, im 2 months out of a 4 year relationship and during my relationship i met this girl at my friends house during a party about 6 months ago, she is 1 month out o...

A.   8 July 2009: Y'all are both on the rebound man. If you feel confused and uncomfortable at the, potential, start of a relationship its not a good foundation for things to develop. Lots of girls out there man, keep life simple. Much easier that way.... (read in full...)

Is it a good idea to have sex with a stranger I chat to in the Internet??

Q.   Hi, Im 15, and i met a girl on the internet who is 19. Ive been talking to her seriously about us and she asked if we wanted to meet up and to have sex. I said yes, shes attracted to me im attracted to her. We have shown eachother our parts on webc...

A.   8 July 2009: Be careful Bro. Recent stats tell us that 1 in 8 American couples met online. What these stats dont reflect is the amount of nutters in cyberspace. I know it must be exciting and intriguing to think about meeting this older girl but let the big ... (read in full...)

I like drinking - is this bad?

Q.   Hi! I need some help. This isn't really a relationship problem. But, I really need some input on this. I'm going in to 10th grade next year and I just started drinking. Is this bad? I just feel really pressured with my friends because my four ...

A.   29 June 2009: I started drinking about your age. By time I was in my late teens/early twenties I was a hardened drinker, I could drink almost everyone I knew (including much older men) under the table and thought that it was cool, that I was a 'real man'.. I have ... (read in full...)

My life feels so empty, will I ever find happiness?

Q.   Hello and thanks for reading :) You see, basically i feel very, very alone and unimportant and empty...and i am only 20 years old.You may think that at my age there's nothing really worthy to worry about, but i get depressed quickly. I feel ...

A.   29 June 2009: Try to figure out what it is you like to do, you mention pasttimes "supposed to be my hobby". A hobby is something that you really enjoy. Dont continue to do something you dont like. Think hard and go back to the last thing you enjoyed and figure ... (read in full...)

I am having a hard time with him keeping a hang on his past, is it me or what?

Q.   I been married for a very short time and it seems he cant let go of his past girl friend he keeps her pics in his puter looks for her emails and he had bought this dog for her and after a yr or two she didnt wat it so he kept it the dog comes ...

A.   25 September 2008: Tellulah is right. He needs to let go of the past for both your sakes. We all have nice memories but living them out in the present is common but not too healthy. As Tellulah says; would he like it if the tables were turned. Sit down and... (read in full...)

Kissed another girl while I was drunk, can I ever be forgiven?

Q.   I recently moved away to college about an hour and a half away from my girlfriend. We decided to stay together since I will be able to come home and visit almost every weekend. I recently got drunk and kissed a friend of mine that lives in th...

A.   25 September 2008: Its a tough one Bro. However you seem to be making big gestures to demonstrate that you are sorry and will not be doing this again ie not drinking. From her perspective she will be wondering what you are up to during the week you dont see each... (read in full...)

Am I too young for alcohol and smoking? I'm 15...

Q.   Ok so im 15 now but I starting drinking when i was 14 and there are only a few people in my grade that do because we are like the popular is it really that young i mean it doesnt feel that way at all and also i smoke not pot but ...

A.   16 April 2008: Hey there, I started smoking at 13, I first tried to stop in college because I was broke and it was costing me a fortune. I was 18 then, I eventually quit when I was 34! It cost me 10's of thousands, ruined my health, stained my teeth, made me ... (read in full...)

My husband is back from detox, now he's drinking again, any advice?

Q.   Is there anyone who has any advice for a mother of two young children whose husband and their father is an alcoholic? He just came out of detox a week ago and is back to drinking again. What do I do?...

A.   16 April 2008: Agree with 1. Im a recovering alcoholic (10 months this month) and I lost good friends, good relationships, good jobs, the respect of my family and ultimately my self respect long before I got it together and quit drinking. He needs to get bac... (read in full...)

My boyfriend does drugs and tells me I need to deal with it!...

Q.   So my boyfriend is a very big pothead, and I can't stand smoking weed. I have told him several times how I feel about it and I'm not asking him to stop altogether, I just want him to not do it everyday like he does now. It's senseless and he always ...

A.   16 April 2008: As someone who has lots friends who 'enjoyed' drugs and alcohol I really hope your BF doesnt go down that route. Many of them started smoking pot first.. just messing with it, no big deal right?? Wrong, maybe your BF will not do anything else but ... (read in full...)

Responses only from readers who are experienced with what I'm speaking of please

Q.   I'm an adult male who is experimenting with anal sex for my first time with my girlfriend of a couple years. She's had anal sex in previous relationships though. I only mention this in case it may be a factor in some way. When inserting a fing...

A.   16 April 2008: Good God man, advise that woman to a Doctor!!! As for anal sex, i have had several partners who very much enjoyed it and one in particular who had the most tremendous orgasms from anal! If it gives her pleasure then go for it, but health comes fi... (read in full...)

Why do men have such problems with my past sex life?

Q.   Why do men i date find my one night stands in the past distasteful?...

A.   16 April 2008: agree with eyeswideopen.. dont broadcast it, problem solved Unless now you are holding some sort of world record or something? In which case you need a secure bloke.... (read in full...)

My wife wants a 21 year old guy for 24 hours for her 50th!

Q.   Hi I am looking for anyone who has been through this situation before. My wife is turning 50 next month and i asked her what she would like for her birthday. (she has every thing you could wish for) or so i thought. She could come up with an...

A.   16 April 2008: tell her the 21 year old for 24 hours was busy.. so she can have a 63 year old for 72 hours instead? man in fairness, ye are swingers... this should be such a shock.. you are just feeling bad cos she wants the younger model this time... I dont kno... (read in full...)

My husband keeps asking me why my body doesn't look like the women in porn!

Q.   My husband keeps asking me why my body doesnt look like the women in porn...I tried explaining to him that after a few kids things change...Im not at all overweight but womens bodies do change in ways that cant be helped after babies like stretch ...

A.   16 April 2008: Option 1) rent a porn movie along the lines of 'massive dicks at play' and ask him why his knob doesnt compare to the knobs in the movie? THEN go to the sex shop and buy the BIGGEST dildo you can find and leave it on your bed.. LOL... but dont lea... (read in full...)

Urgent! Pimples and blackheads advice needed!

Q.   i need help!first i want to thank you for the help i already recieved!!!! how do i get rid of pimpels and black heads in my face???please its really depreasing so please help me...URGENT...

A.   16 April 2008: Alright mate. Agree with the other guys. I suffered from acne as a teen and right into my early 20's! Im in my 30's now and I STILL get the odd pimple!! First thing, dont worry about it. The most important thing as far as I can tell you is ... (read in full...)

All of a sudden I'm obsessed with my age, mortality and grey hairs. Is this normal for a guy my age?

Q.   Do you think its possible to be having a midlife crisis at 34??? All of a sudden Im obsessed with my age, mortality and grey hairs... Is this normal for a guy my age?...

A.   15 December 2007: mm, that does help Anon. Thanks!... (read in full...)

All of a sudden I'm obsessed with my age, mortality and grey hairs. Is this normal for a guy my age?

Q.   Do you think its possible to be having a midlife crisis at 34??? All of a sudden Im obsessed with my age, mortality and grey hairs... Is this normal for a guy my age?...

A.   15 December 2007: That reminds me of Homer Simpson when he said "Marge m'dear, I havent learned a thing"... (read in full...)

What was my best friend thinking?

Q.   A few years ago, I met an incredible guy who I ended up becoming fast friends with. We're what's called kindred spirits. We are so much alike in our personalities that we joke that we must have been siblings in a past life. We talk to each other ...

A.   11 December 2007: Funny old world eh? 1)Why didnt he tell you: Fear of rejection perhaps, maybe he needed to hear it from you? 2)Horrible chick: to get himself 'back in the game' and get over his feelings for you. This would tie in with 1, if he thought that ... (read in full...)

All of a sudden I'm obsessed with my age, mortality and grey hairs. Is this normal for a guy my age?

Q.   Do you think its possible to be having a midlife crisis at 34??? All of a sudden Im obsessed with my age, mortality and grey hairs... Is this normal for a guy my age?...

A.   11 December 2007: hmmm... you know what I think it is? Ive been quite lucky with the ladies and now Im noticing that the 20 somethings dont seem to even notice me anymore...oh well, theres always plan B, get em drunk...(kidding) Thanks guys.... (read in full...)

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