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Bangladesh  (Male   XML/RSS

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Why can't my family just be happy for me and support me??

Q.   Well i have a long-distance relationship that has been going on for 1 year and a half. I love this guy and i know he loves me. I dont understand why my family can't get that through their heads. They always put me down with all the negative ...

A.   3 December 2007: i think they didnt like him in the first place. so they couldnt say anything to you while he was nearer ... ... (read in full...)

We are in a long distance relationship...and are thinking of moving together but are scared.

Q.   I met this guy over the internet like 6 years ago we have met 3 times (he have met my family and I have met his). We live like 4,000 miles apart. I love him and I know he loves me too but we are not too sure about it. This time I don't have this ...

A.   2 December 2007: well, such risks are involved in anything you do in love ... if you dont try, u may never know what happens ... (read in full...)

Why do I feel so old??

Q.   I am 14 and i feel really old. I don't know why but i just do. I am the youngest in my house as well. Why do i feel old, i havent even finished school yet?...

A.   2 December 2007: feeling old isnt a bad thing. maybe your level of maturity is growing faster. a girl of your age is usually mentally 2-3 years ahead of the guys of same age... ... (read in full...)

My husband drinks, then becomes very aggresive and offensive. I don't earn enough money to support me and the property in his name!

Q.   Advice! Husband drinks then gets loud, aggressive, spits at me, calls me scum and tells me he has had better than me. Have endured two yrs of verbal abuse from his ex who has his kids! He done nothing about it. I now refuse to visit his family as ...

A.   2 December 2007: go and see a lawyer. i dont see any reason why you should try and stay with this man. also my sympathies that you had to tolerate something this this for so long. ... (read in full...)

He has been so mean to me yet I can't seem to hate him and move on...was he always a commitment phobe??

Q.   I met and fell in love with someone who I thought was a wonderful man. He came from an interesting family - his dad lives in another state than his mom (everyone thinks he lives a double life), but my man SEEMED to have a good head on his shoulders ...

A.   2 December 2007: it is a bit complected. he wanted or love you deeply but i guess he moved in with you a bit early. so after moving in he started to freak out. probably wasnot sure if he wanted to get married, but staying with you under the same roof made him feel ... (read in full...)

I told her how I feel.....and she hasn't answered me...what do I do??

Q.   I finally told her how I felt... I sat her down and told her that our friendship meant so much to me, and that I would never do anything that I knew would hurt it. I told her that I know she has a boyfriend and I respect him and their relation...

A.   2 December 2007: is it really a game ? first of all, she has a boyfriend. so she has her every right to refuse a proposal from another guy. and yes, she also has a right not to give an answer at all. so accept the facts. it would be better to stay only as a fri... (read in full...)

Why can't my family just be happy for me and support me??

Q.   Well i have a long-distance relationship that has been going on for 1 year and a half. I love this guy and i know he loves me. I dont understand why my family can't get that through their heads. They always put me down with all the negative ...

A.   2 December 2007: well, first of all, your family is only concerned about your own welfare. you may know him and trust him, but they dont. so naturally they are cautious and trying to warn you. why dont you try and introduce him with your family members too. tha... (read in full...)

How do I recover from my heartbreak and show him I don't need him??

Q.   Oh somebody please help.. About a month ago i broke up with my boyfriend of a year...(we dated for 2 years before that and broke up for a year before we dated again up until recently) He was my bestfriend, my everything. I told talked to him abou...

A.   2 December 2007: first of all, be assured that his new approach to a new love didnt start in one week. he must have been distant for you for a while and wanting to get someone new too. so , it is you who is in surprise. now you have to realize that above all your... (read in full...)

Will my husband be able to tell I had sex before??

Q.   I am having relatonship with my boy friend from last four years. We share physical too. Now i m getting marry to another person will my husband able to judge i had sex before. Pls reply soon i m worried...

A.   2 December 2007: it is better if you somehow to to judge it before your marriage. I guess it is an arranged marriage. Take your time to meet the man you are arranged to get married. so then ask him about what kind of girl he was looking for to get married , if you ... (read in full...)

Guys give me name and numbers...but I just don't know what to do with a boyfriend.

Q.   I'm 21yrs old and i have never had a boyfreind, i like to go out to partys and clubs with my freinds, i have had guys come up to me and ask me for my name and then my number. However, i've never given them my number and even though it feels good tha...

A.   2 December 2007: carrying a conversation with a guy is positively easy. trust me... if you look atleast moderately pretty , then most guys will try to build with a conversation with you on their own, to try and impress you. so when you are with a guy, nudge hi... (read in full...)

I am being harressed and bullied at school...what should I do??

Q.   I think I might be harassed and bullied at school. There is a group of people that laugh at me, and I don't know why. Its starting to make me wonder. I think its because of the way I look. I can't help myself of the way I look. There is another ...

A.   2 December 2007: look, you are what you are. why should you change yourself because some idiot's laugh at you. do you think they are better judges ? hell , no ! when someone laughs at someone cuz of how they look, they are definitely some uncultured and indecent ... (read in full...)

My bf loves me with all his heart....but I don't love him, I am still in love with my ex.

Q.   So i am going out with this boy that i have gone out with him on and off for the past year and i am with him again. The thing is i still love my ex and i think he loves me. The hard part is my boyfriend is so totally in love with me and i am not. ...

A.   2 December 2007: i think you'll do him a bigger favour by breaking up with him. u should tell him that he should understand that if you stay together with you while your heart stays somewhere else, he'll ultimately get hurt. ps : if your bf is also at the same... (read in full...)

My husband keeps contact with his ex. What should I do??

Q.   My husband and I have been together since college. We have two young children. Last year he contacted some friends including an ex-girlfriend from high school through I recently found out that he has been in contact with her this...

A.   2 December 2007: i think i agree with peoriaman . but there might be some problems. such is, there is a possibility that your husband may become more secretive, too. which is even more undesirable. ... (read in full...)

Is my guy friend coming onto me and if so what do I say because he is making things awkward for me and my bf.

Q.   I am in a loving happy relationship with a man i adore and who adores me and satisfies me in every way. We have been together since we were 17 and we are seriously happier than ever except... I have this male friend, and we have known each other lo...

A.   2 December 2007: it is true that he is coming onto you but it is not possible to verify if he really loves you or not. People doesnt forget their intentions when they are drunk and similarly, people can also lie when they are drunk. i guess being drunk makes him ... (read in full...)

Once you cheat will you cheat again??

Q.   OK, a poll: Do you think once you cheat you will always cheat? Even if you found your soul-mate, married and are happy with each other and both agree that finding each other was the best thing that ever happened to you? I cheated and know it was w...

A.   2 December 2007: it is most likely to cheat again. cheating is like a forbidden fruit, once you have it , you would want to have it again. usually people are slow and resistant to cheat. But when they have the first taste, they become open to the actions. which is ... (read in full...)

We had a snatched moment of lust...but now I have fallen in love with her.

Q.   A girl at work (married and devoted to her family as am I)who has never strayed and myself started getting along very well having worked together for a few years. The result was a grabbed hour of lust that did not go all the way but came very close ...

A.   1 December 2007: well, staying close for a long time have made certain bonds between you two. it may not be love but this is what that caused such moment. you are matured enough to keep it in limits... just stay as friend and be honest to yourselves ... (read in full...)

I just want to be able to stop being so jealous and be able to trust.

Q.   Hi I have a problem with trust and i don't know why. I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for around 17 to 18 months now and I still don't trust him or any other bloke. I honestly don't beleive he has been unfaithful and I have never be...

A.   1 December 2007: well, it is called feeling insecure. sure you love him. but we always fear loosing what we love and it is absolutely natural. similarly we feel to protect your love . so this is why you get jealous. i would say it is perfectly normal... p... (read in full...)

After I fainted 3 yrs ago, my penis has never been hard enough and I cannot last for more than 5 minutes. Medical results are apparently fine but the problem persists.

Q.   I am 29 and married. Around 3 years ago, when I was having sex atleast twice a day, I suddenly fainted in my bathroom and after 15 minutes or so, found myself on the bathroom floor. After that day onwards, my penis has never been hard enough. ...

A.   1 December 2007: the urology reports were fine because i think your problem is more psychological than physical. maybe you are still shocked and tensed about that fit and which is affecting your mind. ... (read in full...)

Slept with the ex and now I don't know what to do.

Q.   So I slept with my ex last night. We dated for a year and had a horrible breakup, and wound up not talking for a whole year up until last night really. We ran into each other at a local pizza pub and then decided to meet up later at a bar. ...

A.   1 December 2007: this is the think... she cant get fully off the break up so she has hesitations... she refused to kiss you because of that. also she has part of her old love for you , which is why she kissed you. so she exists in a mixed state of these two feel... (read in full...)

Is a stuffed animal a good enough present??

Q.   My boyfriend is 16 and I am 14. We've been together for almost 2 months now. I got him a movie that he really wanted for his birthday last month but I have no idea what to get him for xmas. I NEED HELP!! One of his friends, who is also a friend o...

A.   1 December 2007: hell no. we guys detest stuffs animals and would feel extremely shy if someone else spots it. my idea of a gift is : give him something he likes to play with... maybe a new skate board ... ... (read in full...)

My bf is miles away and I want to test the waters with other guys.

Q.   I've been with my bf for 3 years now, but I am 1900 miles away from him because of school. I really want to be hugged and touched and comforted. I thought I loved my bf, I was so dependent on him when we were living together, but now, I feel like ...

A.   1 December 2007: the problem is, you actually are Dependant. u need someone to really hold you. its normal for many people, but in a way it is not fair for your boyfriend, because the more you'll stay away from him the more you'll long for someone to hold you , and ... (read in full...)

Should I concentrate on study firstly as I can tell a gf at this stage would intercede with my grades? Is it urgent to have a relation?

Q.   Urgent help I am a student in Ethiopian MIT which is the only Institute in Ethiopia.There are totaly about 300 outstanding students who comes from different places. I am 21 and now 2nd year student there and I havent a gf. I feel as I am ol...

A.   1 December 2007: it doesnt matter from where u get a gf. the only way you can keep ur grades steady is by giving enough time to your own studies. spend some time with your gf, which is normal and fine... but never compromise with your studies. good luck dude ... (read in full...)

He's hanging out with a girl hes attracted can I trust him??

Q.   Hey I need help. I just broke up with my fiance of 9 months. Its a long distance relationship and we've never met but were going to soon. I broke up with him cause he lied to me about hanging out wit this girl and he has an attraction to he...

A.   1 December 2007: it is quite difficult to know a person fully by long distance relationship. well... here is something, maybe he had hang out with her but didnt tell you that because he wanted to protect his relationship with you first. maybe it was just a hang ... (read in full...)

Every time my ex calls I feel like I love her again but I am getting married to somebody else.

Q.   My ex gf keeps on haunting me whenever she calls. I find myself in a position of loving her again since we never collided with her. I started building another relationship with another lady since she was awaY 4 7yrs without communication. I am int...

A.   1 December 2007: man, it must be the time to move on. you can always approach that lady and propose. but if u really want your ex away, you need to avoid her. dont receive her calls... remember past is past....... (read in full...)

Did I deceive him??

Q.   I have been married for several years and my relationship with my husband has become like a boarder/room mate kind. We used to be so close and go to church together but now, I, like him have back slided and don't attend church. I try to pass the...

A.   1 December 2007: first of all, any man who tries to do such thing is an evil man termed by any religion. what he is trying to do to you is a sin and you are doing the right think by trying to stay away from him. for your husband, yes long married life can alwa... (read in full...)

Why wont he get the tatoo of his ex's name removed??

Q.   Dear Cupid, I have been with my partner for almost three years now. We are about to buy our first house together. However, he still has his ex partner's name tattooed on his arm. I know they did not split up amicably and wonder why he doesn't ...

A.   1 December 2007: there are some memories people keep no matter what. it is a part of their own privacy. even between the most intimate couples , there are some scopes for privacy. let him have some of his own memories to himself for a healthier relationship. and ... (read in full...)

Do I stand a chance with this girl??

Q.   I have met a beautiful Asian women at work, and i have been lucky enough to have been out on one date with her. Two weeks after the date she let me have her phone number, i called her a week later to say that i'd like to build up a nice relationship ...

A.   1 December 2007: holding hands is actually normal in asian culture even among friends. for your case, you need to make more contacts and be more friendlier with her. get to know her even more and let her know about you. work on building up a friendship... while at ... (read in full...)

Is he showing that we could still be friends?

Q.   I split wiv my ex 2 months ago, we recently made friends and I still really like him. The thing is, he seems to be sending me mixed signals and its really getting me down. Every time I see him we stop and talk and he asks me what Im doing at the ...

A.   30 November 2007: if he had real plans to go out on weekends he would have made some arrangements too. first of all, check out how busy he is currently. maybe he cant call you because of a busy schedule. there is another possibility that he might be avoiding contact ... (read in full...)

He's married but it wont last...either somebody is going to get fed-up or killed.

Q.   I know I'm probably not gonna like what I hear, but I need to know what you think anyway. Several months ago I started seeing someone, and please take into consideration that we have known each other since childhood, and have since been great ...

A.   30 November 2007: You have your emotional needs for which you would need someone such a friend to stay close. Which is why a part of you wants to hold him to yourself. now the problem is that his wife. to be honest, she has the right on him first. what you should do ... (read in full...)

I thought he would have moved onto someone else....but has he??

Q.   Hey all, I really need some advice, I'm not sure what to do. I have known this guy for a few years now, but about 12 months ago he text me and asked me out. He is about 23 years older than me. I told him I wasnt interested, but I was still prepared...

A.   30 November 2007: this looks like a crush period and he is trying to get your attention. yet, if u still want him as a friend, you should say that to him directly and boldly. also, when he is around, try to mention his ' hi friend ' or something similar so that he ... (read in full...)

I am worried I am turning gay...but I don't want to be.

Q.   I am a 13 year old boy and i am worried that i am turning gay. dont get me wrong, i dont hate gay people i just dont want to be gay. When i think about penises i get an erection. when i masturbate and i think about penises, i get an orgasm much mor...

A.   30 November 2007: you are going through a phase and in a perfectly normal state. my suggestion is that try having a good girlfriend now. and such attraction to the same sex doesnt mean you are yet gay. the penis part : its normal and true for other guys too ... (read in full...)

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