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*ll That Glitters agony aunt

*ll That Glitters

Canada  (Female   XML/RSS

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*ll That Glitters's Ratings

Feelings for my no strings partner of 10 years

Q.   Cutting a long story short. I have had a no strings attached for 10 years with the same person. We both live separate lives and have sometimes gone 6 months with no contact. I used to be really happy with the random hook ups, but within the last ...

A.   27 January 2024: You need to take back your power and cut ties with him - if you want something more than sex. If he truly cared about you, he would have respected your wish to break contact but he didn't...and he knew it would lead to sex...which it did. ... (read in full...)

Curiosity killed the cat

Q.   Curiosity got the best of me. I am almost certain she isn’t honest but I feel bad because I don’t think she’s comfortable but I asked my friend indirectly if she was gay. It’s several reasons why I want to know and think she is. Anyways when I asked ...

A.   27 January 2024: You were talking about her behind her back; so she feels betrayed. Try seeing things from her perspective to understand why she feels the way she does. I don't think your intentions were bad but they did result in you hurting her. If possib... (read in full...)

He is controlling and I'm worried that the bad outweighs the good

Q.   I was in a relationship for 8 years, 2 children and a wedding booked when I found out he was having an affair with a woman he worked with. We split up but stayed amicable for our children. 3 years down the line and I went through some serious ...

A.   27 January 2024: What you are going through is exhausting and no, it's not a normal part of a healthy relationship. I briefly dated a man like this and no, he never changed because he never wanted to. You shouldn't have to provide proof as to where you are... (read in full...)

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