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Problems with boyfriend, Facebook, and other girls.

Q.   I've been dating my boyfriend for a year and when we first started dating he would put stuff on his facebook without me having to ask him. But now it's like a war. I feel like its not fair to me that his ex's got sweet statuses and got to be his ...

A.   30 March 2014: It sounds more that you love him but he doesn't know where his loyalties lie does he give more attention to those girls then he does you? talk about some of these girls watch his reaction and if you ask about one watch for signs if he lies he might ... (read in full...)

I'm 21 and I'm interested in a 16 year old

Q.   I'm 21 years old, and I'm interested in this 16 year old girl. I've known her casually for a couple of weeks. We both work at the same workplace at the moment where she is part time waitressing and I'm full time on the bar. She's definitely inter...

A.   28 March 2014: I was in the exact same problem but switched he was 23 I was 13 we never did anything but came close when the truth came out he almost went to jail and slapped with the s.o. for life I was emotionally unstable cause of it so coming from experience ... (read in full...)

I don't know how to end this relationship. What can I do? Feels like love mixed with hate

Q.   I'm currently 14 I've been in a relationship for several months now. We fight a lot I've tried to end the relationship but every time I try he hurts me badly. He would make me feel guilty about it and then he will try to make me laugh then ignore m...

A.   21 March 2014: thanks for the help :) it helped alot... (read in full...)

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