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Is it best to distance myself even though I love my family? I can't stand all the bickering

Tagged as: Family, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (29 June 2015) 2 Answers - (Newest, 3 July 2015)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

How can I stop resenting my family. I love them but can't get on with them?

It has got worse as I have grown up. Too many clashing, strong personalities, every wants to be right. There's too much to go into but I can't breath around them anymore, there's constant strife, gossiping, anger coming from all sides and it's hard being in the middle hearing and seeing it all the time. We will all be going on holiday soon and I am dreading it. I used to love family get together's but now they exhaust me and all of this is just making me sad, angry and getting me down. Everything must be their way. How can I stop feeling angry and sick. I can't seem to calm down is it best to distance myself even though I love them?

View related questions: on holiday

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (3 July 2015):

Distance yourself, because they will never see your point of view, as you will never see theirs. Family can be so difficult to be around,distance can do wonders.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 June 2015):

Do you all live in the same house? Maybe it's time to move out. You apparently can't deal with family gatherings; so stop attending. Visit each of them individually, and avoid gatherings that always end-up turning into clashes. Is there liquor or spirits involved?

Bickering is how some families function. They're a menagerie of various personalities that share DNA, but not opinions. They don't see eye to eye, and bicker out of habit and tradition. There are a lot of resentments, unresolved issues, and jealousies. They don't know how to behave around each other.

Go AWOL for a few months. Just disappear. Get your head together. They'll miss you and check on you. Deal with them one on one, instead of as a group.

They'll start to notice when you make yourself scarce at family get-togethers or parties. When things flare-up, announce very loudly that you're leaving. Tell them exactly why. Why go on holiday with them if you're dreading it? That makes no sense. You don't have to. Take a holiday from them!

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