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Archived questions from: 5 March, 2014 (see latest questions)

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How do I talk to my teacher about my anxiety issues?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3851 days ago

5 March 2014 (F age 26-29 - I didn't really know where to go with this question, but hoped somebody on here may be able to offer some advice:) Basically, I have anxiety disorder and suffer from frequent panic attacks, it all started last year but eventually I managed to calm the anxiety to a point where... (392 words

Have I lost Mr Right???

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 3844 days ago

5 March 2014 (F age 30-35 - Have I lost Mr Right?? Years ago I fell out with him and his family As he never told them the truth. Recently we have been meeting up and having intercourse and floor play. It's just as and when needed. He gets married next year. I actually do love him and w... (89 words

He's gone a bit cold after our date.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3852 days ago

5 March 2014 (F age 36-40 - Sorry to ask such a banal question but I'm confused and don't know what to do. I have little experience of (healthy) dating and relationships so I would appreciate some advice. I met a guy a couple of weeks ago, we clicked, met for coffee and then had a proper date last... (308 words

My man and I have been brought up very dfferently

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3852 days ago

5 March 2014 (F age 36-40 - I'm not sure that me and my man are compatible. I seen a post on here a while ago about a woman thinking her man was needy and although I didn't agree with all of it it made me think. Me and my man have been friends since school and in a relationship for 2 years. After ... (467 words

My housemate and I are not on speaking terms, how do I overcome this situation?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 3852 days ago

5 March 2014 (F age 36-40 - Hi Agony Aunts and Uncles. My house mate and I are not on speaking terms at the moment because she gave out to me and said something very was inappropriate and wrong about me that I would never agree to. I told her that I didnt know what her opinion was on the matter but it c... (276 words

A life question--I am doubting my choices of university and career path! Advice?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3850 days ago

5 March 2014 (F age 30-35 - Although this is not a love question but I've alway received tremendous helps from all the cupids from this site, I thought it is best to ask for advice regarding this matter from you. Here is the back story and I will start briefly since the time I graduated highsc... (617 words

How do we reconnect? I want things to work! Help?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 3851 days ago

5 March 2014 (F age 41-50 - I was with my boyfriend for over 3 years. We had a lot of good moments but after he moved away, for work, for 6 months things went down hill. I started to become the jealous, clingy, needy, insecure girlfriend. I started accusing him of cheating, constantly lying and questioned ... (788 words

Why did she start to show interest when I ignored her? Should I pursue her?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 3849 days ago

5 March 2014 (M age 30-35 - Hi I am an individual who doesn't believe in mind games and find it a big turn off! I was chasing a girl and dated her for a while until suddenly she became distant. I thought maybe she's not interested so I confronted her. She didn't give me a clear answer. I thought she's ... (177 words

Feelings of guilt over new relationship

This question has 22 answers - newest was posted 3850 days ago

5 March 2014 (? age - I am a 62 year old retired professional man, and I was widowed a little over two years ago. My late wife and I were married for 32 years, essentially we had a 'good' marriage, and I have one grown up son. Seven months ago (August 2013) I met in slightly bizarre circumst... (446 words

His ex-wife is trash-talking me all over town.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3852 days ago

5 March 2014 (F - The man I was seeing is now trying to get back with his wife and she is harassing me and telling everyone I stalked him and wouldnt leave him alone when in fact we had a 3 month relationship which he instigated and I finished. He had already split with her for a year when we ... (148 words

Boyfriend tells me my vagina is loose and we have other relationship problems. What should I do?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 3846 days ago

5 March 2014 (F age 36-40 - Hi all. I'm sorry I have question. Me and my boyfriend is on long distance relationship now. He was staying in same country for last 3 months and now he's in his country for some visa and application purposes to come back here. Actually I feel a lil bit devastated that 1... (468 words

How far should the "my house, my rules" concept be taken?

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 3850 days ago

5 March 2014 (F age - I am curious to know your thoughts about the concept of "my house, my rules". Recently there was a question posted by an (over 18) OP living at home with her parents, who wanted to get a piercing against her mother's vigorous opposition. She got quite a dressing down by... (282 words

My fiancee thinks I am putting my car before our wedding and moving into our own place! Is she being fair in her response?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 3851 days ago

5 March 2014 (M age 36-40 - My 23 year old fiancée thinks I (26) am putting my car in front of our wedding and finding a place to live. My grandfather left me the car, granted it has sentimental value to me, being the only thing I really have left plus it is quite a rare car. It was badly damaged wh... (467 words

I'm in love...but it’s just that I wasn't planning on finding myself here with my best girl friend who's engaged!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3782 days ago

5 March 2014 (M age 30-35 - I would estimate I’m joined by at least 65% of other college guys who don’t REALLY believe in love. What, with so many people coming and going in these brief 4 years, falling in love is just a liability. But then just like that, it snuck up on me. Okay, so I’m not going to... (611 words

I love him and he loves me but since he isn't in the right space emotionally, we cant be together. What do I do in the meantime?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3850 days ago

5 March 2014 (F age 51-59 - I was in a relationship for almost four years with a man and we broke up this past October. Him and I are very connected and best friends. We broke up because he emotionally isn't very healthy and has many issues to deal with before he can have a healthy relationship with me. ... (444 words

I don't want our relationship to be all about sex, but I feel I am making it that way.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 3852 days ago

5 March 2014 (M age 30-35 - Hey well I am a 20 year old male and I am dating a 22 year old virgin and I know she wants to wait and I do too. The problem is I've been wanting to have sex with her lately really bad. I have been pushing for it and feeling horrible. I love her and every time I see here I ... (190 words

I know I don't deserve my gf's love after what I did but I want to at least make sure she knows how much I regret my actions

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3823 days ago

5 March 2014 (M age 41-50 - My gf and I had been dating for a year and had known each other for 9 months prior to dating. Six months ago a "friend" of mine made a move on my gf and when she turned him down, he poisoned me against her. Taking advantage of my trust in him from a friendship of several years, ... (311 words

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